How To celebrate 1000 PND on Repo..a suggestion

Who cares for the 1000th PND... the 1024th one is where it is at.
1023 (0...1023 = 1024) ?
1024 requires an extra "bit" to represent the number
Well, you would not call the first uploaded PND the 0th PND, would you.So while internally the first PND is stored in an array with index 0 the one with index 1023 is actually the 1024th one in natural language. No extra byte needed or whatnot.
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Well guys, thanks to the release of StepMania, we hit the big 1000! A BIG thank you to all the devs who have believed in the Pandora and have put the time and effort into every one of these 1000 apps. Hopefully the support will continue to grow and we'll continue to get great quality apps for a while. :)
As said before this number is misleading (i.e. artificial) : PtitSeb created at once 6 lauchers which are nothing but small scripts to launch specific parts for LibreOffice - yet they are counted as PNDs while you cannot execute them without the main program. There are duplicates as well (the demos of commercial software - same thing as the executable, just added the data files). And there are others.

So, we are probably more like at 985 actual, true unique applications in the repo. :)

As said before this number is misleading (i.e. artificial) : PtitSeb created at once 6 lauchers which are nothing but small scripts to launch specific parts for LibreOffice - yet they are counted as PNDs while you cannot execute them without the main program. There are duplicates as well (the demos of commercial software - same thing as the executable, just added the data files). And there are others.

So, we are probably more like at 985 actual, true unique applications in the repo. :)
way to piss on the bonfire... lol
Free signed Pandora to whoever has the highest averaged rating?

(still 21 pnds to go, btw :P )
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If you want to release iichantra and the other stuff I sent you for testing, go ahead :)
I've asked ED this last week

07:58:10    MrShlee | Would you be interested in having some kind of media blitz when the repo reaces 1000 apps?

07:58:55    MrShlee | If you write a big - We're totally awesome and everything is going perfect. there are 5000~ pandoras in peoples hands kind of blog update. We should try to get coverage.

07:59:16    MrShlee | I was able to get lots of ICP2 coverage with some nicely worded emails...

07:59:32    MrShlee | Have a celebration on your store as a milestone event.


but he didn't seem reply... maybe he thinks I meant discounts :)

ED: at least write a big nicely worded official news update for us :D

edited: right
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