How many Pandoras could you carry?

How many Pandoras could you fit comfortably in the pockets of your current clothes (or the ones you

  • None

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • One

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • Two

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • Three

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • Four

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • 5-6

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • 7-8

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • 9-10

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 11-12

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 13 or more

    Votes: 5 8.8%

  • Total voters

Let's be honest.

Pandora has many good things and, nowadays, I think it´s the best open-source console or micro computer you can get. But this level of portability is not one of its strenghts.
Ugh? I don't know any other mini-computer that is as portable as the Pandora. Sure, many handheld game consoles are smaller, and of course any phone is smaller, but those are not general-purpose mini-computers, those are special-purpose devices.
I mean, it is the smallest (and best) of its kind but I cannot fit it comfortably in any of my clothes. They are normal size not the ones that show your underwear....

By the way, I'm not interested in fitting it confortably in my pocket if it means a smaller screen or less functionality. I like the Pandora the way it is :)
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OK, maybe you should just get other clothes, with better pockets :)

Female clothes tend to suck at having decent pockets, I don't know why. Maybe because clothes look better if you don't use them to carry stuff, and designers assume females use a handbag anyway. But it sucks that female clothes usually don't have decent pockets. Because of this, I always have to carry my girlfriend's wallet, cellphone and keys when we go somewhere - when she's with me, she uses me as a walking handbag.

Can somebody please declare cargo pants to be fashionable for women? :)
But it sucks that female clothes usually don't have decent pockets. Because of this, I always have to carry my girlfriend's wallet, cellphone and keys when we go somewhere - when she's with me, she uses me as a walking handbag.
This gives me an idea...  Does anyone else remember the Beowulf Linux servers?

1.  Recompile that to Angstrom on Pandora.

2.  Create a connector to mount Pandora motherboards in.

3.  Stack them together @50 or so should fit in a backpack with a car battery.

3.  Use one complete Pandora to remote into it.

Worlds most portable supercomputer?
Dang, now I have a use for all my old Pentium 3s...
Ok, I know the picture in my profile can lead to that mistake, but I am a man... My Pandora is perfectly portable for me, I simply don't carry it in any pocket.
I never said you weren't a man, but I did indeed assume you were female given that profile picture and given the fact that you cannot fit a Pandora in any of your pockets.
Well … maybe I could carry one more pandora if I was allowed my back pack . As I use daily and it already holds roughly 25 pounds in weight in as of now ( I got bored once so I weighed it ) .
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Conclusion of the poll: on average, a person can carry 4 Pandoras in his/her pockets.

So whenever we claim this device is pocketable, we can now quantify that statement.
Well, you must all live in reasonable climates to allow these voluptuous clothing items.

I am a male and can't even pocket 1 Pandora comfortably in this blasted hot country.

Sometimes it feels like I can't even handle shorts and a vest... But customers would be disturbed if I walked around in the nude.

I won't curse my English genes, but I will curse my family's decision to relocate to this effing 3rd world country a couple of generations ago.

I swear, one day I will move someplace cold and rainy and GREEN (with decent internet) and at last be happy.
Move to Oregon ( please note I mean western as Eastern is basically desert scrub for the most part )

Lots , and , lots of rain . Longest time we went without rain at my house was approximately 25 days . And 101 degrees fairnheight is considered scorching . We should also have decent Internet by valentines day of this year . I should then be able to get the maximum use out of my pandora . No MORE 4 hour waits too download a pnd with a chance the file will corrupt from transferring our PC to my pandora specific sd card .
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