The New Psp Web Browser Hack


Istanbul Red
Apr 11, 2003
Found this on Gamespot.

Everyone says it works, but then, I've yet to find a site with a bigger collection of mongs.


Someone found a way to browse online using Wiopeout Pure without having to set up your own webserver, make changes to firewalls, DHCP forwarding or any of that complicated crap.

Step by step it goes like this:

1. Goto Settings ---> Network Settings ---> Infrastructure Mode ---> New Connection (you want to make a new connection so you can still use your default connection for regulare game use).

2. Create a new connection and after you've set the SSID and WEP (if you use it) in Address Settings goto Custom --->Manual.

* Now set an IP for your PSP ( where xxx can be any number between 001 and 255 works for me, your router may require a different IP number check you manual).
* Leave the Subnet mask
* Set the Default Router to your router's IP address (I have a Linksys and mine, check your manual).
* Set the Primary DNS to (this is what will let you get onling browsing).
* Set the secondary DNS to your router's IP.

3. Set Proxy Server as Do Not Use if you are not using one.

4. Confirm the setting list and Save the settings.

5. Put in Wipeout Pure and go to the Downloads section. When it asks what connection to use select the connection you just set up and viola, your online!

You can navigate the pages using the D-pad and select links with the X button. You can also enter text into text boxes by highlighting the box and pressing X.

Now even though I have broadband loading some pages takes a while. It may not always be the fast but it does work!

I cant try it since I dont have Wipeout.
Yep it works, check out engadget. I'm buying Wipeout now just for this.

It also appears this is the browser sony plan to release in a firmware update.

I'm sure Bast will be trying it out and writing a dossier :D :lol: on it once he's done.

I read that it's turd slow at the moment though.

Cant wait until Sony release something official.

The keyboard is out soon if anyone is interested (slots onto the bottom of the PSP apparently)
I've already got Wipeout on order. Awaiting it with glee. It'll be me first 'psp' thing that comes (apart from a USB cable I've oredered from ebay, but then that's not particularly exciting)...
besides the browser, you should get wipeout anyway! it's really fun! i play it more than CSSource or any other game now! the soundtrack is SO cool and it plays like a dream(but i'm a big wipeout fan, haha).

btw, check this. just got started(actually following a tut for XSI, but doing in max)

i need some good ref pics for the feisar from wipeout pure! hard to find!!

pages take a while to load when browsing on psp since the cpu has been capped at 222mhz! this cpu cap is true and won't be lifted until better/efficient battery source from sony drops in. at least, that's what i heard.


  • bettergetdone.jpg
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Yes thats right Junker the PSP is not running at its full potential even. Games should look PS2 quality once the new battery arrives.

Yeah buy wipeout anyway not just for the browser :rolleyes:

Waiting for mine :)
nope no dossier from me...

don't have a wireless router so no using my PSP online right now <_< Anyways cool as this is I dont see much point to do it... but nice to know it can be done, good to see that hacking is already alive and kicking on PSP :D

EDIT: you guys should really check out this link... sounds to me that this isn't really a fully functional web browser in the real sense... yes it lets you get online, but in a very roundabout and complicated way, and then, you still can't freely browse the web, but rather, you can set up a page of links that you want to be able to visit and then only use the PSP to browse those links. Sounds very complex and not at all worth the effort....
Just brain storming a bit and understand this comes with no knowlege of hacking, the system or the browser in Wipeout. but is sems to me this could be the security hole that might allow people to get Emus on the PSP.

Lets suppose someone could write some form of active code that could be accessed through the browser that tricks the PSP into downloading something or at the very least running something in the broswer that would let you load data form the Memstick like a rom and run it in memory right there on the spot. The hanging point as far as I (a complete layman) can see would be figuring out how to create code that would cause the system to react the way you want it to from a browser.
bast525 posted on Mar 28 2005 at 05:07 AM said:
EDIT: you guys should really check out this link... sounds to me that this isn't really a fully functional web browser in the real sense... yes it lets you get online, but in a very roundabout and complicated way, and then, you still can't freely browse the web, but rather, you can set up a page of links that you want to be able to visit and then only use the PSP to browse those links. Sounds very complex and not at all worth the effort....

Nah, Bast, it looks incredibly easy, all you have to do is:

The ONLY changes you need to make on your PSP are for the DNS server. Point it to one that returns what you want instead of the domain and that's the whole hack.

Although I dont think you can type in a URL, you can type things in (via the virtual keyboard that pops up) on pages like google and message boards.

I think the slowness and limited use sounds crap, but it seems simple to get to grips with.

I reckon this is something you try and say "wow, this is good", but then never use it again in reality.
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Yep wait until an official browser pops up :ph34r: Although browsing the internet with a handheld is pretty crap I have to tell you. My pocket PC with the touch screen and keyboard was still a pain in the ass to web browse.

1. The wifi ate the battery so bad
2. The screen is so small you have to keep scrolling up,down,left,right.
3. Its slow for some reason even though my card was rated at 10mbps
i think the browser could really be a good thing if it was made that you could have a bitch load of bookmarks on a memory stick and the ability to have passwords auto-entered ala firefox et al.
From Gamespot

... out-of-the-box online connectivity.

The first one hundred thousand units sold of the Korean PSP Value Packwill come with a Network Utility UMD and limited-time membership for wireless Internet service, in addition to a UMD movie of Spiderman 2.

By tapping the Network Utility UMD functionality, gamers in Korea will be able to enjoy a number of other online services in addition to games, including web browsing, an online movie player, and an online music player.
you really want to browse the internet on your PSP that badly??

Stupid question here but you realize you have to be near a wireless hub/router/whatever to use that feature anyways right? And if you say you have a wireless router at home... that's great... but why would you rather browse on you PSP if you're at home???? Otherwise... I'm smack dab in the middle of L.A. and we dont just have hotspots all over the place that I could use this feature very much at all.....

Going online to actually PLAY games is great and something I would actually use at home via the wireless router but to browse the net just seems useless...

and ALL PSP's firmware will have an option to put the menu in English. But what region will those PSP's be? (assuming region 2 as well).
bast525 posted on Mar 29 2005 at 10:59 AM said:
And if you say you have a wireless router at home... that's great... but why would you rather browse on you PSP if you're at home????



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Your mum won't see them dodgy pictures if she busts in :).

I'm more interested in video streaming to tell you the truth, and my Dads local has a WiFi hotspot :D.
i'd love to have all my bookmarks accessible on my psp.

at home i have a wireless network, at uni i will have a wireless network, uni has hotspots all over the place.

its the conveniece of being able access the net without the need for a laptop.