Holy Sh** I Just Bought A Turbo Grafix Express...


Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
Okay, I just got an amazing deal! Bought a Turbo Grafix Express for 86$! It's without packaging and psu but that's okay since I wouldn't be able to use the psu over here in Europe anyway. Now I need to get some decent games on hu-card to show off!

I am thinking I might try to get a few of the classics:

Keith Courage

Any other suggestions of stuff that I might actually be able to get a hold of? Also, does anyone know if there is a game copier that is usable for these things? I have heard somewhere that there is a cheap home-made sort of way to do this.
I always wanted one of those, when I was a kid. Cool find.

Thanks a lot. Now I want one. :)
Sorry to say this (and I'd hope you appreciate honest comments), but that's not a very good deal. I bought mine about 3 years ago with 10 games and a TV adapter, and I paid 100 shipped...

Anyway, both Bonk and K. Courage are great games. I dont know if the tv adapter would work in Europe, but if it does, it's awesome and worth every dime :D
hehe... well it's pretty much just for collecting reasons. Now that we have temper for gp2x, you have TG16 emulation at it's best on a handheld with bigger screen and even longer battery life (wow, compare to a TG-Express or a GameGear the gp2x does have long battery life).

Trying to find a decent flashcard for it turns out to be quite tedious though. The one sold by tototek is way too expensive and not really convenient, the one sold by neoflash is decent but really expensive as well. Maybe I'll stick to originals and playing the rest on my gp2x...

@DCGM: Yeah I guess you got the better deal. But looking at what some people will pay for these things I am still glad I got it this cheap. You are the master ebayer though. If I look back on what kinds of bargains you've made since I have been on these boards... seriously I am turning yellow with jealousy ;-)
lol thanks...im turning red with embarrassment :P

if you look for some games, you might want to check out game lots rather than buying every one separate.



They can get expensive, but some of these lots have some EXCELLENT titles. You'd be filling your collection in one listing :D
daclassicgamingmaster said:
Sorry to say this (and I'd hope you appreciate honest comments), but that's not a very good deal. I bought mine about 3 years ago with 10 games and a TV adapter, and I paid 100 shipped...

Anyway, both Bonk and K. Courage are great games. I dont know if the tv adapter would work in Europe, but if it does, it's awesome and worth every dime :D
I realize that deals come and go, but based on the selection on ebay right now, he got a good deal.

It's slim pickins these days.
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Are you gonna get the TV tuner, TurboVision? I always wanted to see what that was like.
I last tested it when I lived in the country. Now I'm in the city, so I'll try it again.

In the country, I got one station. I think it was PBS or something, cuz I watched Nova a few times on it :D
The Turbo Grafx 16 is my favorite system! Awesome system! I have no idea whether you have a Japanese model or a Western model.
Here are a few games to look for,

Alien Crush or Devil's Crush (great pinball)
Blazing Lazers
Bonk's Revenge (the best of the series IMO)
Galaga 90
Legendary Axe
Magical Chase
Ninja Spirit
Soldier Blade (good eye candy)

There is a flashcard made for the Turbo, but I forget the name of it.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
In the country, I got one station. I think it was PBS or something, cuz I watched Nova a few times on it :D
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What a wonderful PC Engine Bible thingy that is. Got myself a PC Kid wallpaper now.
I also have recently discovered the joyfulness of PC Engine games, due to somehow finally getting Magic Engine to run for longer than five minutes without paying for the privelege (thanks to them torrent things for that).

Loving Military Madness, Splatter House, Devil's Crush, Blazing Lazers and Soldier Blade. Don't suppose anyone knows the whereabouts of a good Windows-based emulator that runs ISO's? I've tried Ootake or whatever it's called, but it doesn't seem to like Vista or USB pads...
I just googled Turbo Grafix Express and this thread came up as the third result :lol:

That's all I've got to say on the subject :P

Congrats on your buy btw. Wish I had the space/money spending ability to buy these old consoles. I think I can vaguely remember when the Express was released...
xnopasaranx said:
Trying to find a decent flashcard for it turns out to be quite tedious though. The one sold by tototek is way too expensive and not really convenient, the one sold by neoflash is decent but really expensive as well. Maybe I'll stick to originals and playing the rest on my gp2x...

I use the 64M NeoFlash card in my TurboExpress and it's well worth it imho... It can be a real pain to find a lot of the better HuCards for a decent price today (just try and get your hands on Air Zonk or Magical Chase), but more importantly, a TurboExpress can't play PC Engine games without a mod or an adapter, either of which would cost more than the NeoFlash card... With the NeoFlash, I can mix and match Japanese and American ROMs at will, and everything plays beautifully. My only complaint is that I can't add/remove individual ROMs from the card - any write to the card basically deletes everything already on it and replaces it with the new selection(s)... Other than that, I've been very, very pleased with mine...
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I use Energizer 2500 mAh NiMHs in my TurboExpress, Game Gear, Nomad, Virtual Boy and my Lynx (all of which require 6 AA's to run) all the time, and I'm very happy with thier performance. The Energizers give me just as much - if not more - running time between recharges as regular Alkalines, and they don't cost me a fortune. I keep three sets. I charge them in SLOW Energizer chargers that take as long as 12 hours to charge the batteries and automatically shut off once they are charged - I've used fast chargers in the past, and they just fry my batteries! I recently purchased a set of six Sanyo Enerloops to keep in either my TE or Lynx - although they are only 2000 mAh batteries, they have the advantage of not losing their charge over time when sitting idle, so I can let the machine sit for weeks and it will still be ready to go when I pick it up. If they aren't powerful enough to give me a decent amount of play time in these high-drain gaming machines, they'll get used in other things we have around here. :)