Hey, Did Anyone Get The New Tomb Raider?

nah, I don't like any of these new games. Cant stand all these next generation consoles.  Rather play old psx1, n64, snes games and arcade classics. Those were the days. Bring back the 90's.

The Tomb Raider universe is shattered by background story gaps. What started out as an adult DD-Lara turned into an, admittedly far more attractive, young adult C-Lara. What happened there? Surgery? The players need to know but are never told!

On a more serious note, I've watched about 30 mins of an LP - it is very atmospheric, the cinematics are well done. Lara has to take quite a beating in the beginning. You get to control Lara on her way to becoming a master of survival, earn XP and buy skills like "I can pull used arrows out of my enemies now that I have earned enough XP for a brain". 
It's more like the games it inspired (uncharted et al) or an Assassin's creed than the best Tomb Raiders of old (1-3). Onscreen prompts for ledge grabbing and the like, an 'experience' rather than a challenge.
Got the collector's edition :)


Played 15 minutes, it seems really good but forget what you know about the original, everything has changed.
Yeah, that's why I'm interested in it :P  The original had long since ran it's course. The top down isometric one from a few years ago on Xbox live was very good actually, and was the first Tomb Raider title I have enjoyed in years. I recommend it to anyone who is a lara croft fan, and who also is looking for something new & different.

It's amazing to think that this game was originally going to be reminiscent of ICO & SoTC.
I read this info earlier today, I think it's good they went the way they did. Although I would be interested to see some of that footage, if it ever got out of the planning stages.

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I played a few hours of it last night - it's fantastic!

The Tomb Raider universe is shattered by background story gaps. What started out as an adult DD-Lara turned into an, admittedly far more attractive, young adult C-Lara. What happened there? Surgery? The players need to know but are never told!
Well this game is a reboot of the series, so there are no gaps to explain.   :)
it looks quite decent but honestly what I licked about the first tombraider, that is careful, slow and dangerous tomb exploration seems to have disappeared in favor of action and fighting... and it does not appeal me, for action I'll always prefer Q3 or UT like game...
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nah, I don't like any of these new games. Cant stand all these next generation consoles.  Rather play old psx1, n64, snes games and arcade classics. Those were the days. Bring back the 90's.

I agree with you 100%. I don't want my games to try to look so realistic to life. The games of today are looking more and more like  B rated movies.

I like old school too. That is true gaming. 
Lara was hot when she had boobs now weirdly enaught(maybe cause of the time) she has lost her f-cups what a pitty that automaticly makes Tomb Raider (the new one) crap.... nowadays.
I lost interest in TR when they screwed up the control scheme in Angel of Darkness...
In hindsight it wasn't too bad a game but for that either. Smooth, decent visual upgrade, but the controls were pants - and they pretty much kept them and dumped the 'challenge' factor instead for every one since. I hate all the onscreen prompts and QTEs, and in the anniversary one they made the T-Rex a compulsory 'Boss' -nooooo! I used to enjoy clearing the Lost Valley without killing him, kept you on your toes as you dangled from bridges or rushed for higher ground. I think they should have found a way to let you set him against the raptors in that area, so they'd be busy biting each other for a while while you took care of your tomb raiding business.
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