Has Anyone Done Anything On Gemrb?

drD20 said:
looks like this
Pandora:/media/mmcblk1p1/bg1$ ls -l
total 14784
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root 5004288 Dec 14  1998 BGMain.exe
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root 2052096 Dec 11  1998 Baldur.exe
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root     600 Jan  1  2004 Baldur.ini
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root   32768 Jan  1  2004 Characters
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  571904 Dec  2  1998 Config.exe
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root   32768 Jan  1  2004 Data
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root    4277 Dec  7  1998 Keymap.ini
drwxrwxrwx 35 root root   32768 Jan  1  2004 Music
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root   32768 Jan  1  2004 Override
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root   35361 Dec 18  1998 Readme.txt
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root   32768 Jan  1  2004 Sounds
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  128509 Jan  1  2004 Uninst.isu
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root      67 Dec  5  1998 Update.url
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  217559 Dec 11  1998 chitin.key
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root 3328608 Dec 17  1998 dialog.tlk
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root 3327014 Dec 17  1998 dialogF.tlk
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root      63 Dec 11  1998 luaAuto.cfg
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root   32768 Jan  1  2004 movies
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root   32768 Jan  1  2004 scripts
seems cache and register is missing

I don't think register is important but Cache is. You can create that yourself, it's a temp directory for GemRB. Other than that gemrb.ini is missing. I'm trying to remember if i put it there by hand.
Could you try putting it there? Just save the text below as gemrb.ini.

; GemRB - Infinity Engine Emulator
; Copyright (C) 2003 The GemRB Project
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
; $Id: gemrb.ini 6567 2009-06-22 09:48:05Z lynxlupodian $

; gemrb.ini - game type-specific settings for GemRB engine


; Bitmap resource for cursors

; Bitmap resource for scroll cursor arrow
ScrollCursorBAM = CURSARW

; Bitmap resource for dialog buttons font
ButtonFont = STONESML

; Font used to display tooltips
TooltipFont = TOOLFONT

; Sprite displayed behind the tooltip text, if any
TooltipBack = TOOLTIP

; Tooltip text color (RGBA)
TooltipColor = #f0b08000

; Space between tooltip text and sides of TooltipBack (x2)
#TooltipMargin = 10
TooltipMargin = 5

; INI file from the original games
INIConfig = baldur.ini

; Palette bitmaps in various widths
Palette16 = MPALETTE
Palette32 = MPALETTE
Palette256 = MPAL256

MaximumAbility = 25
IgnoreButtonFrames = 0
AllStringsTagged = 1
HasPickSound = 0
HasDescIcon = 1
SoundFolders = 0
HasSongList = 0
UpperButtonText = 1
ReverseToHit = 1
LowerLabelText = 1
HasPartyINI = 0
HasBeastsINI = 0
ForceStereo = 1
IWDMapDimensions = 0
SmallFog = 1
DialogueScrolls = 0
RedrawTile = 1
DeathOnZeroStat = 1
BreakableWeapons = 1
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Could you download the following tarfile and extract (tar xvf gemrb.tar) it to your pandora and run ./gemrb from within the directory?

Then we can see some error messages.

Edit: http://drop.io/jmuorjw
simply says it cant open/find libgemrb_core.so.0
but the file isnt missing
does it need to be in a specific directory?

I think i know what went wrong, I'll try to fix it as soon as possible, but it won't be tonight. Hopefully tomorrow.
Thanks for your help.

I played a bit with it.
At 500Mhz BG is a bit slow and the sound is awful as you said, however at 600mhz everything seems fullspeed without soundproblems.
I also tried a quite buggy BGT install on my hd at 600MHz. Loading takes a while(>1min) and it crashes when talking to Gorion or randomly saying its looking for a file(could be just because my bgt is totally messed up).
Man, this is just getting better and better. If I had a hat I would take it off to you.
my logfile said it couldn't find /home/username/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg, so I made that and now it can't find /home/Jurn/GemRB/Plugins and then errors on can't load plugins. ... So close, yet so far... help!

edit: I just made a blank gemrb.cfg, if there are contents for it, let me know. Thanks! :D
Wait, is it really looking for a file in my home directory? /home/jurn
I don't understand how because the file locations i specified are all relative and have nothing to do with my home directory.

The gemrb.cfg is already inside the pnd file. GemRB searches for it at three locations but should find it within its own root.

This is the gemrb.cfg:

#                                                   #
#  This is the GemRB Configuration file.            #
#  Here are defined some default parameters for     #
#  basic configuration and paths definition.        #
#                                                   #
#  Parameters are defined as a Name=Value pair      #
#  The Value can be of three types:                 #
#      - String                                     #
#      - Integer                                    #
#      - Boolean                                    #
#                                                   #
#  The String value is represented as follows       #
#  i.e. H:\GemRB\plugins                            #
#  Integers are defined as follows                  #
#  i.e. 12723                                       #
#  Booleans are represented as 1 or 0 in this file  #
#                                                   #
#  Lines starting with # are ignored                #
#                                                   #

#                                                   #
#  Game Type [String] Use one of the following      #
#  values:                                          #
#                                                   #
#  bg1       Baldur's Gate                          #
#  bg2       Baldur's Gate 2 : SoA or ToB           #
#  tob       Baldur's Gate 2 : ToB (obsolete)       #
#  iwd       IceWind Dale                           #
#  how       IceWind Dale : HoW or ToTL             #
#  iwd2      IceWind Dale 2                         #
#  pst       Planescape Torment                     #
#  (More will come)                                 #
#                                                   #


#  Game Name [String] Title for GemRB window, use   #
#  anything you wish, e.g. Baldur's Gate 3: RotFL   #

GameName=Baldur's Gate 1

#  Video Parameters                                 #

#Screen width

#Screen height

#Bits per pixel [Integer:16,32]

#Fullscreen [Boolean]

# Delay before tooltips appear [milliseconds]

#  Audio Parameters                                 #
#                                                   #
# All volume options are in percents, with 100      #
# being the normal and default volume               #
#                                                   #

# Choices: openal (default), none
#AudioDriver = openal

# Volume of ambient sounds
VolumeAmbients = 100

# Volume during movie playback
VolumeMovie = 100

# Volume of background music
VolumeMusic = 100

# Volume of sound effects
VolumeSFX = 100

# Volume of PC or NPC voices
VolumeVoices = 100

#  Case Sensitive Filesystem [Boolean]              #
#                                                   #
#  If your installed game files are residing on a   #
#  case sensitive filesystem (ext2 on Linux) then   #
#  you need to set this value to 1, it has no       #
#  effect on Windows                                #



#  Debug                                            #

# Do not play intro videos [Boolean], useful for development

# Draw Frames per Second info [Boolean]

# Hide unexplored parts of a map

# Enable debug and cheat keystrokes, see docs/en/CheatKeys.txt
#   full listing

#  Paths                                            #

#  Game Paths [String]                              #
#                                                   #
#  These are the paths where the Game you want to   #
#  play is installed.                               #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.             #

#CD2=/mnt/windows/Programmi/Black Isle/BGII - SoA/CD2/
#CD3=/mnt/windows/Programmi/Black Isle/BGII - SoA/CD3/
#CD4=/mnt/windows/Programmi/Black Isle/BGII - SoA/CD4/
#CD5=/mnt/windows/Programmi/Black Isle/BGII - SoA/CD5/

#  GemRB Path [String]                              #
#                                                   #
#  This is the path where GemRB is stored, just     #
#  enter the full path to the GemRB executable      #


#  GemRB Cache Path [String]                        #
#                                                   #
#  This is the path where GemRB will store the      #
#  cached files, enter the full path to the GemRB   #
#  Cache directory.                                 #


#  GemRB GUI Scripts Path [String]                  #
#                                                   #
#  This is the path where GemRB GUI scripts are     #
#  stored, usually these are in the GemRB directory #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  the 'GUIScript' subdirectory.                    #


#  GemRB Plugins Path [String]                      #
#                                                   #
#  This is the path containing GemRB plugins        #
#  - shared libraries (.so) on Unixes, or           #
#  DLLs (.dll) on windows.                          #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.            #
#                                                   #
#  You may need to specify this path if running     #
#  GemRB from source directory on Linux.            #


#  GemRB Save Path [String]                         #
#                                                   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for saved     #
#  games.                                           #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  e.g. the 'save' subdirectory.                    #
#                                                   #
#  You do not have to specify this if you use save  #
#  subdir in the GamePath directory.                #


#  Game Data Path [String]                          #
#                                                   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where    #
#  game data files are stored.                      #
#                                                   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!        #


#  Game Data Override Path [String]                 #
#                                                   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where    #
#  game data override files are stored.             #
#                                                   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!        #


#  GemRB Data Override Path [String]                #
#                                                   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for the GemRB #
#  data override directory.                         #
#                                                   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!        #


#  GUI Parameters                                   #
#                                                   #
# GemRB may enhance the GUI of the Infinity Engine  #
# games (so far only in bg2) creating functionally  #
# new buttons or scrollbars where they weren't      #
# present in original games. It may improve its     #
# usability, but is not quite compatible with       #
# mods changing graphics and alignment in the *.chu #
# files (e.g. the buttons will appear in old        #
# coordinates and may stop being clickable).        #

# Enable all gui enhancements ? [Boolean]
GUIEnhancements = 1

#  END                                              #

Let me see if i can whip up a better pnd ;)
I just want to say thank you for putting in the effort in this. Just got a 16 gig SD so that I can put all these infinity games on it and eagerly looking out for that new pnd!
JurnD said:
Wait, is it really looking for a file in my home directory? /home/jurn
I don't understand how because the file locations i specified are all relative and have nothing to do with my home directory.


Let me see if i can whip up a better pnd ;)

I was surprised to see that too, I tried to re-download the pnd and I wanted to get gemrb on my laptop and pull the cfg file from there as well as the plugins, which when i made the empty directories and files is where it failed, but I am on vacation on San Juan Island Washington and have barely enough bandwidth to thank you profusely for your effort and assistance! You are a great guy for doing it! ;)

(Hopefully, I can get Wimax working better a little later.)
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Use ld-library-path env var so that libs are in ./ (or whatever, in the pnd) and not need to move them anywhere. Also, just use ./bg1 for instabce, dont hardcode 'mmcblk1p1' type names ever.. Breaks way too easily (and after hotfix#3). Let people just copy the fikes into their appdata /pandora/appdata/gemrb.bg1/bg1 orsomething Make a info-entry in pxml so you can have a doc file, and have your run ecriot tell them to read it if files look missing?

I know, lots of work.. I also have a small kid :)

Get it working and i can help you pollish it if you need; my month-of-no-time is over in a week

Damn i wnat my pandora so much now so i can start helping you guys! THe Infinite Engine Games are the best ever made imo!
skeezix said:
Use ld-library-path env var so that libs are in ./ (or whatever, in the pnd) and not need to move them anywhere. Also, just use ./bg1 for instabce, dont hardcode 'mmcblk1p1' type names ever.. Breaks way too easily (and after hotfix#3). Let people just copy the fikes into their appdata /pandora/appdata/gemrb.bg1/bg1 orsomething Make a info-entry in pxml so you can have a doc file, and have your run ecriot tell them to read it if files look missing?

I know, lots of work.. I also have a small kid :)

Get it working and i can help you pollish it if you need; my month-of-no-time is over in a week


I am working on a better .pnd but i'm running into a little problem. I am now using an appdata location for the bg1 data. In het gemrb.cgf i do for example:


The idea is that the location will always be correct this way since the .pnd will always be in pandora/apps or pandora/menu. It works fine when it is not a .pnd yet, but it does not work from within the created .pnd. Shouldn't this be possible from within a .pnd too? Or should I do this different?
Thanks and I hope the question is not too ignorant.

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I believe appdata gets mounted as $HOME (can somebody please verify?), so you should refer to the path as $HOME/
JurnD said:
I am working on a better .pnd but i'm running into a little problem. I am now using an appdata location for the bg1 data. In het gemrb.cgf i do for example:


The idea is that the location will always be correct this way since the .pnd will always be in pandora/apps or pandora/menu. It works fine when it is not a .pnd yet, but it does not work from within the created .pnd. Shouldn't this be possible from within a .pnd too? Or should I do this different?
Thanks and I hope the question is not too ignorant.


Well, I can tell you this wouldn't work for me, at least not without being very very careful. My path would be something like:


If there's an environment variable that'll work instead, it would be much nicer to use that, to be honest - PNDs are supposed to be designed to work *wherever* you put them, after all (ok, limited to SD:\Pandora by default, but that's only for expediency, not any real limit in the format, as far as I'm aware). This also makes sense given the sheer size of SD cards these days - putting everything in one folder is asking for trouble when you try and work out which pnd is the old version of a given programme so you can delete it and replace it with the new one...
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Jurn, FYI

I found out that the reason the pnd wasn't working is because my sd card somehow became corrupt and I had to reformat and reload it. It works just fine now and is quite good, THANKS!
Im only 10% present right nkw im afraid but..

Wh cant cachepath be . Or ./cache or something?

Your pnds custom appdata is CWD

Thanks for the suggestions. It works when using ./ as path.

I now made a little menu to select either BG1, BG2 or IWD. I haven't had time to include the BG2 or IWD config files so they don't work yet.
The data now needs to be in /pandora/appdata/gemrb061/bg1
Just start the pnd, select bg1 in the menu and it should work. The libraries are now included in the pnd so it should work without copying anything anywhere except for the bg1 data. I tested it on a cleanly installed pandora and it worked fine.

The other configs and better sounds with openal wil follow somewhere coming weekend.


The new PND: