

Feb 2, 2011
Hi, i've got my wiz for two months now and never regretted it eversince.
The reason why i bought it, was because my dingoo a330 literally fell to pieces. The dingoo was terribly built and the buttons came loose while playing with it. That's why I love my wiz now, it's quality built & is much more powerful.

One of the main reasons why i chose to buy a dingoo first, was because dingoo has a much more active community.
For instance: just a few weeks back, Sience was able to port Gemrb to dingoo.

My question: Isn't it possible to compile Gemrb for Gp2x wiz? (if it's possible for dingoo)

I know that ARM-based architecture can't be compared to MIPS, but it seems a bit odd to me that an inferior piece of equipment can run Gemrb and a superior machine like the Wiz can't.

here's a link to the gemrb homepage:

i build the Dingux GemRB build. I want to build it for Caanoo too, but i'm currently very busy. Architecture is no blocker.

So it should be possible.

But first port Python 2.5 to Caanoo/Wiz/Gp2x.

Than port GemRB.

Thx for the info, SiENcE.
i'll try & do what i can.
Anywayz, keep up the good work, cause u made a lot of great games playable.

I'm also curious how u where able to get Jagged Alliance to work? (dosbox, was it?)
skeezix said:
Is that even playable at 320x200? Hows it perform?


Here's a performance vid of icewind dale 1 on dingoo a320:

I suspect that a port to Wiz would have considerable greater performance
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Man, thats just so wrong :) Very cool .. I'm surprised it looks and plays so well .. way cool. Wiz and Caanoo are usually faster than Dingoo, but not by that much.

I keep wanting to get into GemRB (Icewind Dale is one of my favourites), but always wonder.. how close does it play to the real thing? (ie: a lot of rules are implemented in GemRB itself .. obviosuly they modelled them after the real thing, probably even did disassembles and so on to get it close, but how close is it? Does the AI react in a similar/same fashion? Is pathing similar/same? How much of that is 'scripted' versus 'coded in the engine, which is now GemRB and not the real thing'?)

jonez said:
Thx for the info, SiENcE.
i'll try & do what i can.
Anywayz, keep up the good work, cause u made a lot of great games playable.

I'm also curious how u where able to get Jagged Alliance to work? (dosbox, was it?)

Thx :-).

Yep. Special version of Dosbox for Dingux (not yet released).

skeezix said:
Man, thats just so wrong :) Very cool .. I'm surprised it looks and plays so well .. way cool. Wiz and Caanoo are usually faster than Dingoo, but not by that much.

I keep wanting to get into GemRB (Icewind Dale is one of my favourites), but always wonder.. how close does it play to the real thing? (ie: a lot of rules are implemented in GemRB itself .. obviosuly they modelled them after the real thing, probably even did disassembles and so on to get it close, but how close is it? Does the AI react in a similar/same fashion? Is pathing similar/same? How much of that is 'scripted' versus 'coded in the engine, which is now GemRB and not the real thing'?)


There are even more vids from my gemrb port showing Baldurs Gate 2 and Planescape Torment on Dingux. I think its playable and if you add the bigger font i included to the games, you can even read the Font.

GemRB is in development. So it should be playable but not perfect.
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While searching for gemrb related material, i came across this:

It seems that the first baldur's gate was supposed to be released for psx. So the guys from hidden palace were able to make a full working (re-)release.

Only problem: it works on pc emulators like Epsxe, but i wasn't able to get it to work on Pcsx4all :( , i think it requires a game-fix of some sort, imo

Any ideas or suggestions?
I'd love to see this. Out of the IE games I haven't played through BG2 and PT yet. Would love to try it on the wiz.
Sorry guys, i didn't have any luck yet porting Python 2.5 :( (i'm just starting to learn, so i ain't making any progress)

Is there anyone who's familiar with this that wants to take a look at it?

Cause appearently lot's o people would like to play this on Wiz/Caanoo
SiENcE has ported Python 2.5 to Caanoo since he last posted in this thread, so maybe you can use that as the basis of a Wiz port of Python?

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