I love retro gamer, but for me Crash is the best gaming magazine there was, and you really should get an issue one. They do come up very rarely. I bought my second one of ebay a few years ago, before all the nostalgia really kicked in. Then found a battered copy at home!
Crash had an aura about it. You were part of a club reading crash, and Lloyd Mangram (who, I'm sure you know didn't exist!) was your older best mate. Also, cos of the playground piracy, you were sure you would be able to play all the best games somehow! Even Elite with that horrible lenslock (I bought a mint copy of Elite with the lenslock recently, and couldn't play it once-couldn't read the codes!!!)
Retro Gamer is very very good imo, just lacks the personalities of the authors. But I read it cover to cover, every article.
Crash had an aura about it. You were part of a club reading crash, and Lloyd Mangram (who, I'm sure you know didn't exist!) was your older best mate. Also, cos of the playground piracy, you were sure you would be able to play all the best games somehow! Even Elite with that horrible lenslock (I bought a mint copy of Elite with the lenslock recently, and couldn't play it once-couldn't read the codes!!!)
Retro Gamer is very very good imo, just lacks the personalities of the authors. But I read it cover to cover, every article.