The State Of Gp32 Scene

Attempt to play it, and hope for a translation patch. :)

I'm an hour into it and i'm still by myself, on a fight that I just can't finish. :D

Gonna try going around a bit doing some more random fights and getting my exp up so I can actually defeat them.
Seems like the launch of the Zodiac only fueled the community. Competition is always a great way to get the coding juices flowing I guess! lol :)
Yup, one of the reasons I didn't hold out for a Zodiac was because of the great small community, the constant developer action and often mangled English. :P
it's funny,i just bought my gp32 a few weeks ago,and i love it.when i decided to buy it,i looked around for it and the zodiac on the net,and looked which console had what.zodiac looked more powerful and i was about to buy it,but i just had a feeling i should buy the gp32.i can't tell why really,but i just had it and i followed just seemed more friendly i guess.anywas,it's great,glad i did!i like the community and how something comes out every new week,i'm discovering so much!
Enslaved posted on Apr 17 2004 at 07:37 PM said:
Whats the ASR firmware?
Nothing really special. Basically the samething as the regular FW except with ASR images replacing the reg images (By images I mean like the computer graphic when you go to pc-link, the gp32 when you go to game, etc.). I don't really see why people want it so badly.
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I saw a post on a forum about the Gp32 how it played snes and Genesis last year LOL that guy was a bit too excited, well luckily I didn't know that genemu was abandoned (I bought it when it was realeased) otherwise I never would have bought the Gp I never regretted the purchase when it was in my hands and I hoped for a Genesis emu which is finally arriving B) my life story :P
I guess I was a little misled but I have no regrets since I first played FF6 on it :) Well worth the money and with the gen emus coming out Ill have classics like Shining Force 1 & 2, Landstalker, and ShadowRun in the palm of my hand! :D
good point on the name!
sry, I had 3 track meets in 3 days, exausted like all get out, but I get medals woot woot


( other than that, highschool sucks )
Can't say I was mislead. I made sure I researched it well before taking the plunge, and it hasn;t let me down. I knew about the limits of SNES emulation when I bought it, so all the advances in it have been a bonus. And now with Genesis emulation finally getting done properly, I'm still looking forward to what the future brings :)

Bring it on!!! :D
Genesis emulation.. ok. well I will believe it when I see it, that's all I have to say. just as I said with "fullspeed Snes emulation.." bring it on guys.

Seriously, in spite of my tone.. well you all must know what I think by now, so 'nuff said. Meanwhile.. I had no track meets in high school. High school sucked. College kicked ass though. Best years of my life. Life is not bad now but college was really the pinnacle (I mean.. I didn't have to work. There were hot girls everywhere, and beer was plentiful.) Is it any wonder I forgot about video games for a long time?

I would never buy anything without researching it after reading it on Slashdot. However, I would, and have, bought something without researching it after reading it on the b3ta mailing list.