Both A New Gp32 And Psp User


Still Fresh
Jun 4, 2005
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So I bought my GP32 off of this board, thanks guys, and I admittedly was kicking myself as while I was waiting for it to arrive, the PSP 1.50 firmware had just been broken.

I was thinking that since the PSP was now going to be able to allow me to play emulators, I would have to turn around and sell my GP32 right off the bat since I don't really need both do I?

Wrong... I have been having a blast with both of them, I have to say watching ripped DVD's on the PSP is amazing, and some of the emulation is good, but I keep getting dragged back over to the GP32 when I want to play the old school stuff. It just feels better in my hands and has some great emulators for it.

So needless to say, I will be playing them both, but the GP32 is awesome and not going anywhere. Just wanted to share my thoughts from a newbies point of view.


i play my GP32 more than my PSP as of now. But no matter how good the PSP gets, i will never sell my GP32, just something cool about being one of the 5 people in the entire state of pennsylvania to own a GP32.
Better keep the gp32, since it'll always work; the PSP emulation will stop each time you buy a game which makes you update the ROM, until folks crack that rom too.. ugly. Or just buy a PSP now and a few games, and never buy new games for it ;)

I have both and a ds..probally selling my gp32 soon for monetary I find the psp on an equal if not better level of emulation for the games i play
I have both and a ds..probally selling my gp32 soon for monetary I find the psp on an equal if not better level of emulation for the games i play

Wow, really? I have found the opposite so far, I am sure the PSP will catch up, but I love the joystick on the GP32 vs the PSP's non-connected stick (why the heck didn't they make the pad more like everyone elses?) and the analog.
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Better keep the gp32, since it'll always work; the PSP emulation will stop each time you buy a game which makes you update the ROM, until folks crack that rom too.. ugly. Or just buy a PSP now and a few games, and never buy new games for it ;)


I know v.little about the PSP. Seen a few, like 'em.
By what you say Jeff, do you mean that commercial games sometimes come with updated os' on the umd? So you actually have to update your os to play that game?
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Better keep the gp32, since it'll always work; the PSP emulation will stop each time you buy a game which makes you update the ROM, until folks crack that rom too.. ugly. Or just buy a PSP now and a few games, and never buy new games for it ;)


I know v.little about the PSP. Seen a few, like 'em.
By what you say Jeff, do you mean that commercial games sometimes come with updated os' on the umd? So you actually have to update your os to play that game?

Yes they force an update or you can't play the game. I have heard that the game itself will detect an old FW and update it without you knowing. I don't know how true that is as I haven't experienced it yet.
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I have both psp and gp32 and love them both, havent used psp for emu yet as the gp32 does a great job for what i want it for but I do agree ripped movies on psp are excellent. I've also just got a new mobile phone a motorola a1000, i've read there is quitea good speccy emu for that and even a megadrive one, any idea if any of these are any good?
I have both and a ds..probally selling my gp32 soon for monetary I find the psp on an equal if not better level of emulation for the games i play

They both still have advantages. Even assuming that the PSP will eventually have full speed emus of everything 16 bit or less, it has its drawbacks. The pad isn't the best design, the stick seems to control better on the GP32. The screen is not a good fit for emus as they are displayed small at 1:1 (smaller than they are on the GP32 screen) or stretched which distorts and softens the image. The screen has severe ghosting/smearing with dark colors on the PSP and that can be distracting sometimes. But the contrast/brightness is better on the psp and it will have full speed versions of emus that will never be full speed w/sound on the GP32 like SNES. So I still see the reason to have both.
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i play my GP32 more than my PSP as of now. But no matter how good the PSP gets, i will never sell my GP32, just something cool about being one of the 5 people in the entire state of pennsylvania to own a GP32.

I don't even know of anyone else in my state (Oklahoma) that owns a GP32.....
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PSP is getting quite good for emulation now.....the latest snes emu plays SSF2 ans SF Alpha 2 very well and the screen looks great set on 4:3. But I think Mame is still better on GP32 ;)
I think at the moment the only game with the forced firmware update is Coded Arms and that's only the Japanese forces you to 1.50 which can still play homebrews :)
I think PSP and GP32 are both great....I still use them both although I'm totally addicted to Tales of Phantasia at the moment on the Snes emu on PSP :P