Well, I guess it will be good enough for some people, and should still be successful enough without all the changes. I think it shows some of the differences between their way of doing things and ED's, and the devotion of those behind each project to their community. It could still less to more copycats, which could be good our bad, both in general and for the Pyra.
I really think that they could have had something that had a little more impact if they hadn't rushed, and had taken into consideration what users needed and wanted. I understand that their focus is solely on gaming, yet it seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot there, too (keyboard, L3/R3, and mouse mode WILL make it hard to play some games). While the Pyra is a gaming handheld first, once all the gaming related stuff was sorted a major focus for a handful of people was the keyboard, and rightfully so. Why have a keyboard if it isn't really that usable? I could understand if the keys worked well enough when the device is on a table or desk, but they look like the same type of keys on my smartphones. In other words, much worse than the Pandora keyboard for use in that way (and probably barely comparable to the Pyra's, in general).
I hope the Win is successful enough that they get attention and decide to do another one in the future with more attention to detail. If they fix a few issues I may highly recommend the Win 2 to certain people that are interested in such things for more serious tasks, not just playing games. The Win could turn out to be great as it is, and my/our assumptions may be wrong.