GPD Win (x86 Computer / Palmtop)

Interesting, today they launched a twitter competition.

5 selected people who re-tweet their Indiegogo campaign will win a GPD WIN. Not a bad idea to get the word out.
It just needs the prototype and showing what it can already do.
All the GPD Win has are concepts, a bit of hardware and a lot of hot air, when it actually comes to running games and other software they'll have a hard time competing with the already existing and naturally grown Pandoraverse.

What are you going to do when people make comments like this during the pyra campaign? Try to rip their arguments apart correct?

Lets be happy for them for giving the first real additional option to consumers in this genre of devices in the last 7 years. The audience that might want this differs slightly from the pyra, and the pyra has a lot of stuff going for it in it's own right. There is a clear area of non-convergence between the two devices and the pyra holds a premium in those regards. This however will fill the void that the promised "steamboy" handhelds failed to deliver time and time again.

Lets try not and kill this one too before it becomes a real thing.
when it actually comes to running games and other software they'll have a hard time competing with the already existing and naturally grown Pandoraverse
Strange, the last time I looked Windows had a fairly extensive range of compatible of games & software.

Getting a bit concerned that the Pyra preorders may be negatively impacted now. We are currently only talking hundreds, I just hope there are still enough people interested in the Pyra to make it happen.
The thing that surprises me is how few backers they have got (compared to Pandora for example), I'm really hoping that this is due to their lack of any sort of video showing what you could expect the GPD Win to run, & the fact the system seems to have been designed by someone who gave zero thought to keyboard layout for thumb typing & what happens when mouse mode is selected etc. What worries me is there may be a general feeling of why buy a pocketable Mini PC when I can just use my phone?
Strange, the last time I looked Windows had a fairly extensive range of compatible of games & software

Which isn't worth much if none of those are optimized for your type of device when it comes to fonts and controls, are running too slow, draining the battery in 3 hours etc...
Which isn't worth much if none of those are optimized for your type of device when it comes to fonts and controls, are running too slow, draining the battery in 3 hours etc...
Agreed, however this does not reflect reality, from my experience of using a Z8300 SOC with a windows tablet, a lot of Windows software will run well, be usable with a small screen & not have such an impact on battery life. This is not from a Windows fan boy perspective, I love Linux as well, however your assumptions here are just plain wrong.
The thing that surprises me is how few backers they have got (compared to Pandora for example), I'm really hoping that this is due to their lack of any sort of video showing what you could expect the GPD Win to run, & the fact the system seems to have been designed by someone who gave zero thought to keyboard layout for thumb typing & what happens when mouse mode is selected etc. What worries me is there may be a general feeling of why buy a pocketable Mini PC when I can just use my phone?
Well... the handset ecosystem doesn't even vaguely resemble what it was when the Pandora went up for pre-order. The nostalgia factor associated with finally getting a machine that can drive the required emulators, is no longer the Pandora's sole domain.

From what I've seen on other forums and news story comment section a lot of people are suspicious of the GPD Win and having issues seeing a purpose to gaming UMPCs or recognizing their strengths. At this point I think either system will mostly appeal to a relatively small slice of users who want the power user features the Pyra and Win provide that the GPD XD or a Smart Phone don't.

Personally I've pre-ordered the GPD Win with the intent to use it to effectively replace an Asus Vivotab Note 8 given my Surface 3 handles things requiring a digitizer vastly better and Win is better suited for mobile computing. I still intend to pick up the Pyra as a replacement for my Pandora. If like me you value the unique features of the Pyra the Win doesn't cover everything, but if they fix the layout to Victor's suggestion it should be a solid system.
GPD have said they are redesigning the Keyboard a bit on the GPD WIN. They are aiming to show the redesign on Monday via an Indiegogo update. Not sure which Monday though. Could be a week or two
Had a quick look at Indiegogo and in their reply to you they said 'we can only change into the DeenOx's scheme' my Googlefu seems to have deserted me, do you have a link as to what this design might look like?
Had a quick look at Indiegogo and in their reply to you they said 'we can only change into the DeenOx's scheme' my Googlefu seems to have deserted me, do you have a link as to what this design might look like?

They have said they can't make Deen0x's suggestion which wasn't even really a suggestion by him - reread what they said. They also mistook his quick scetch (which he wasn't asking for anymore) for my suggestion . He was backing my suggestons as you can see him say in the Dingoonity forum thread just now. GPD came back with no feedback as to why they couldn't make changes re: my real suggestions. It's just been one cluster fuck of terrible communication. To be honest , I'm almost over it. I have asked so many times that they arrange a Q & A with their techs with the Dingoonity forum , but nope. Not even a reply, instead we are left making suggestions stabbing in the dark not knowing what may or may not be technically possible. Meanwhile on the chinese forum , I see their tech chatting away with people. Super super frustrating.

Worse still , I feel Kendy (The GPD person who responded) is saying things are not possible in my designs for things that were taken out of them a while back. Plus some of my changes involved adding key labels - they're not even HW changes - but I didn't even get a reply on those.. So frustrating

Quite frankly they could easily make very basic changes to center the Keyboard, it's bad that we should even be having to tell them. I know their tech is aware of the issue, and has said himself it is an issue and should be fixed. So at this stage I have no clue what on earth they are doing.
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Do you mind posting links (broken if you want) to these discussions, including the Chinese one?
Welcome to working with Chinese. :)
There's a lot of cultural differences, and the language barrier is higher than most people realize.
There are a number of threads, but I'll limit it to some highlight threads

On Dingoonity:

On Baidu:

By the way, if you were interested in getting a GPD WIN and have been put off from backing it on Indiegogo due to the keyboard layout etc, then consider taking part in this poll:

In addition to what you mentioned in the poll thread over there, one major thing that would keep me away if I was considering buying one is so much stuff getting disabled when switching to mouse mode. I guess the Pandora spoiled me.
In addition to what you mentioned in the poll thread over there, one major thing that would keep me away if I was considering buying one is so much stuff getting disabled when switching to mouse mode. I guess the Pandora spoiled me.

Good point, I forgot to add that one which a lot of people had raised. I have added it to the list of issues now.
In addition to what you mentioned in the poll thread over there, one major thing that would keep me away if I was considering buying one is so much stuff getting disabled when switching to mouse mode.
Which makes playing the games that need mouse and keyboard practically impossible, I guess.
Honestly part of why I was willing to pre-order was that I expected Victor and others to hound GPD, and they appeared to be caving on addressing the more serious issues. As listed the GPD has a number of serious design issues.
Serious design issues? They've not even started designing it yet! Where are the multiple keyboard layout discussions? The demands for different case colours and hundreds of mock-ups of what people want but won't get?

Give the guys a chance.

So basically GPD have now come back and said no changes will happen to the GPD WIN layout. Supposedly the PCB and Molds are done. So it is what it is.

You would have to hold the right edge with your fingers to reach keys other than K, L, O , P etc with your right thumb. Doable , but hmm, whatever.


GPD tech using the 3D print of the GPD WIN:;topic=11410.0;attach=4772;image

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