This thing is obviously a Pandora/Pyra knockoff and it isn't near as elaborate as Pyra.
The only feature it have that Pyra haven't is a x86 processor but still if Pyra success it will have one too.
And they putted it on indiegogo even if they don't need money so that:
-They can market it as an innovation as the Pandora formfactor is still undiscovered and Pyra isn't yet on crowfunding.
-Even if their knockoff is in early developpement they can sell it before Pyra.
That way they cut the ground from under Pyra's feet and intend to steal Pandora market just before it have a chance to blow up.
If this thing make the Pyra fail there will not be a Pyra with a x86 processor. We will end up with a pathetic knockoff rather than an originale more elaborate handheld, open, upgradable with better quality and genuine care for us customer.
Some of y'all supporting this felony is disgusting.
Calling ALL GPD Win fans disgusting?
The thing you are doing is disgusting.
Sure, Pyra and Gwin are both mobile computers but they are marketed completely different. Pyra is a mobile console that runs emulators whereas Win is more of a mobile computer. Sure, Pyra can do everything that a computer can do (excluding x86 things via Exageat etc), you totally are forgetting the thing that Pyra is Linux but Win just might be able to VM it which will be a lot slower than the Pyra. All of these concludes that :
+ If you are a retro-gamer who loves to play old games and do some linux stuff and get ARM apps, you should definitely buy a Pyra.
+ If you are a gamer who wants to play mid-end games buy a GWin. Also, in my case, if you want to pentest, just VM command tool lines. It won't so slow. It won't also be fast, though.