The format is very intriguing... I always was curious about the Vaio UX UMPCs.
Considering the bench in the video, it's 50% faster than the Win Max at 15w vs 25w. Impressive! At 5w it should be as fast as the Win 2 - which is all I need, with probably total silence and very high battery life. Interesting...
Too bad the screen is smaller at 5.5", and those bezels...
Actually, I think a second touch display in place of the keyboard would have been way better. Windows 10 support multi displays perfectly and it could have acted as a dynamic keyboard - for instance for emulating old computers, DS / 3DS emulation, subtitles for videos, dictionary + text hooker for Japanese games, maps, walkthroughs, cheats, chat, TV, whatever... It would have been a pretty unique device and probably a must have in my opinion. This keyboard don't looks that good anyway...
Well, curious to see more!