GP2X Shop Logo-Artist wanted :)

Logo could be bolder,
Agree. I really like to dpad idea, but as it is, that logo isn't really memorable or striking - and falls down when scaled:


Given, that the logo will be used as a web banner I think the text should all be on one line, and the letters should be more spaced out:

(quick and dirty modifications)

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I really would rename the shop, because there is no gp2x left for a long time now, only the 5 last white caanoos.
True, but it is well known already... any good ideas?

I own the domain DragonBox, maybe that would be more useful?
why not something like openhandhelds shop or something which includes the nature of your shop?

Because it's not just about Openhandhelds.

We've got Everdrives, the Retrode, etc.

Besides, is way too long as domain name for a shop.
I own the domain DragonBox, maybe that would be more useful?
I think that sounds good - its easier to remember than the apparently random gp2x, provides an obvious logo component - also links in with the idea of pandora('s box) and your forum name.

It could also share the dpad as a final X
i agree with dragonbox! :-)

in all that discussion about the new logo - i just want to throw something in ... i've been to a speech about font licensing recently ... be sure that you have all the rights for the font you use in the logo creation! some font licenses disallow specific usages especially in that way. so it would be best to create the lettering on your own or to read the fonts license terms carefully.
Beautiful logos and sketches everyone! ^_^

Both tough choices for the name and new logo design..hmmm

Perhaps you plan to redirect the original shop address to Dragonbox?

Edit: I apologize for the accidental double post.
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Edit: I apologize for the accidental double post.
No worries, I've removed the duplicate. ;)

And, while I'm here, I must say that I like the name "DragonBox", as well. I also think that redirecting the current URL to it, as pengo suggests, would be a very good idea.
here, here!

Great name.

Look forward to peeping some logos for it.

edit: Starting the ball rolling...

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Here's a start:


I think it looks too much like a board-game title, what would be better?
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Nothing serious, just something that came to my mind when I heared the word Dragonbox ;)

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hehe nice! I thought of a similar design too, heck, I guess ´dragon box´ is sure to bring things up.

You would not mind me stating that that dragon looks like a bit of an alligator box? :P :D