Gp2x Screen Problem Fixed Yet?


Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2006
Hi all, I've been out of the GP2X loop for about a year now. I just fired my baby back up the other day and loaded some of the new emu's and I have to say i'm impressed how well things have progressed.

I upgraded to the 2.1.1 firmware and am very disappointed to see that the screen problems still exist. Is there any good way to get a stable screen? Technically I don't know what you call the problem, but the screen just flickers like crazy. I use the cpu/lcd tweaker program, but I can't get a perfect setting. Maybe someone can share their settings if they have something that works well. I will admit, I'm probably notice the issue much more than most would.

Just hoping some of you can give me some suggestions, I really thought this would have been fixed by now... unless it's a hardware issue.

Sounds like you might have a defective unit if none of the software/settings changes help.
If you bought it in 2005 it probably has a faulty transistor. Send it to EvilDragon and he'll fix it.
That's interesting... I got mine in November of 2005, I think. EvilDragon is way out in Germany... is there any info on how I can solder a new transistor myself? It's just gonna cost me too much to do that even if he is willing.
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If you bought it in 2005 it probably has a faulty transistor. Send it to EvilDragon and he'll fix it.
That's interesting... I got mine in November of 2005, I think. EvilDragon is way out in Germany... is there any info on how I can solder a new transistor myself? It's just gonna cost me too much to do that even if he is willing.

I think you are referring to the interlace flicker on the old M1 units. The is no fix for that, other than buying a newer unit.
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I don't think he is,
I'm sure hes talking about the flickering of the first "first edition's" that's down to a wrong resistor, your retailer should replace it for you, if not just email or pm ed/, I'm sure he will help you doing ti yourself.
I think I might have both of those issues. There is definitely an interlacing problem when games or movies pan the screen. That's actually the most annoying issue. If I use video filtering in the Atari Lynx emu the screen flickers like crazy, I don't know if it's a problem with the emu or the unit.

I wish I knew this was a hardware issue or I would have sent this back when I first got it. I can't afford to drop another $170 on a 'potentially' working model. I made the mistake thinking it was a firmware problem.

I appreciate the info and suggestions. Not sure what I'm going to do now.