Gp2x Gets Stuck On Os Loading Screen When Using Sd


Still Fresh
Aug 5, 2003
Hey guys,

I've searched the forums a lot for a solution to this problem but nothing has come up...

Since receiving my gp2x I've got everything to work but the games...I've tried freeware games and emus but all I get is a black screen...

As a result I've upgraded the firmware and that went well, everything worked perfectly but then in formatting the SD card I seem to have b0rk'd something.

I formatted the 512MB card as FAT32, and now no matter what I do, when I switch my gp2x on with the card inserted it freezes on the loading screen.

I've left it for extended periods with no change. The unit still boots correctly without an SD card inserted.

Also, I've been using a power adapter to ensure it's not a battery/power consumption issue.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice?


edit: I should add that I had been happily using my gp2x for mp3s and videos for a while after upgrading the that wasn't the source of the problem...
I've tried freeware games and emus but all I get is a black screen...

Did you install the sdl-libs? (,0,0,0,31,869)
Hey guys,

I've searched the forums a lot for a solution to this problem but nothing has come up...

Since receiving my gp2x I've got everything to work but the games...I've tried freeware games and emus but all I get is a black screen...

As a result I've upgraded the firmware and that went well, everything worked perfectly but then in formatting the SD card I seem to have b0rk'd something.

I formatted the 512MB card as FAT32, and now no matter what I do, when I switch my gp2x on with the card inserted it freezes on the loading screen.

I've left it for extended periods with no change. The unit still boots correctly without an SD card inserted.

Also, I've been using a power adapter to ensure it's not a battery/power consumption issue.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice?


edit: I should add that I had been happily using my gp2x for mp3s and videos for a while after upgrading the that wasn't the source of the problem...

I had the same issues after my gp2x powered down badly when a set of batteries
died quite suddenly. If I remember correctly I managed to sort it by powering
up the gp2x without the sd card in, getting access to the menus etc. Popping
the sd card back in then powering down and back up again with it in. Hope it
fixes your problem :(
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I've tried freeware games and emus but all I get is a black screen...

Did you install the sdl-libs? (,0,0,0,31,869)

Yup... not at first, but I did afterwards.

It was when I tried to run games from the root directory of the SD card that the problems began, I think... if I remember correctly I was trying to use a SNES emulator.

Oh, and CaBBagE, that trick didn't work :( Thanks, though....

I also tried running chkdsk on the SD card but that's not made a difference.
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mine gets stuck on the loading screen if i turn it on just before putting the SD in. I have to wait a few seconds before.
Also i get the black screen on emulators and i have the libs on the SD :(
I had this problem after formatting.
Tried various fat32 and linux formats which enabled it to boot but you couldnt see any files on them.
But you could access them on the card reader. :(
Finally last night tried fat16 and it worked!
By the way i used Xfdisk.hope this helps.
I had this problem after formatting.
Tried various fat32 and linux formats which enabled it to boot but you couldnt see any files on them.
But you could access them on the card reader. :(
Finally last night tried fat16 and it worked!
By the way i used Xfdisk.hope this helps.

What is Xfdisk?
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Okay, so I found Xfdisk 0.93 beta and I ran it, but it says "Failure reading Bootmanager". I believe this may be an unrelated issue to do with my PC, though.

This is quickly going from fun to farce.

I'm desperate now... I cannot afford to buy another SD card, that NAND is ROM so I cant' put games on there, no attempts at formatting to any file-system works (although I can't actually do FAT16... at least I don't know how).

XP can read the files without problems. Both my card readers can see the files and I've tried using both for formatting.

:o Please help!
Quick update, sorry for the double-post but I wanted to bump the thread onto the first page at the same time ;)

I found out that FAT and FAT16 are the same thing, so I formatted the SD to FAT and even with nothing on the card the gp2x fails to load.

I even tried putting one empty folder in the SD, as when I borrowed the card off a friend it had one 'dcim' folder and the gp2x booted properly.

Nothing is working and I can't use XFDisk (for now, at least....) so I am completely stumped.

I've not bricked the thing; the gp2x boots without an SD card.

I hope I haven't screwed my mate's SD, although as I say, XP can read it perfectly well.

Help! :blink:
Quick update, sorry for the double-post but I wanted to bump the thread onto the first page at the same time ;)

I found out that FAT and FAT16 are the same thing, so I formatted the SD to FAT and even with nothing on the card the gp2x fails to load.

I even tried putting one empty folder in the SD, as when I borrowed the card off a friend it had one 'dcim' folder and the gp2x booted properly.

Nothing is working and I can't use XFDisk (for now, at least....) so I am completely stumped.

I've not bricked the thing; the gp2x boots without an SD card.

I hope I haven't screwed my mate's SD, although as I say, XP can read it perfectly well.

Help! :blink:
give the card back to your mate and get him to format it in his camera (the dcim folder is put there by the camera).

does the card work in anything else? pda/another pc etc?
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give the card back to your mate and get him to format it in his camera (the dcim folder is put there by the camera).

does the card work in anything else? pda/another pc etc?

Unfortunately I don't have another SD device to test it in and I may not see my mate for a while now as I've taken some time off work...

Do you think formatting the SD on a different PC using the same card reader/writer would make any difference?
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Sounds like your card isn't somehow writable by the gp2x.
The same happens when you have write protection set to on when you try to boot.
Sounds like your card isn't somehow writable by the gp2x.
The same happens when you have write protection set to on when you try to boot.

Well, I can garauntee the card's lock is off... I've even tried with it on to be sure.

How can I fix the problem? The folders on the card are Read-Only by default and unchecking the option is pointless as it reverts to RO straight away.

I don't know how to set a whole drive to not be RO, so how can I fix the problem?

This card has worked in this unit before :P
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It sounds like you're having the same problem I am, with the card not being writable by the GP2X.... I was able to fix the problem by deleting the firmware upgrade file off of the card using my card reader..... that got the GP2X to boot, but it still won't write to the card. I guess I'll probably just have to hope that the next firmware upgrade fixes this issue.

(BTW, I'm using a Kodak 256 mb card, what are you using?)
It sounds like you're having the same problem I am, with the card not being writable by the GP2X.... I was able to fix the problem by deleting the firmware upgrade file off of the card using my card reader..... that got the GP2X to boot, but it still won't write to the card. I guess I'll probably just have to hope that the next firmware upgrade fixes this issue.

(BTW, I'm using a Kodak 256 mb card, what are you using?)

I'm using a Lexar 512MB. I've formatted the SD many times, so it's definitely not a problem with which files are on the card...
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give the card back to your mate and get him to format it in his camera (the dcim folder is put there by the camera).


I took my card to Boots and asked them to format it in one of their cameras - to my surprise it worked perfectly and my GP2X booted up and reached the menu straight away. More surprisingly (or not, considering the sales assistant dealing with me was about 90) Dixons refused to do anything with the card.

Anyway, problem solved.

edit: the remainder of this post is now irrelevent. It seems I'd neglected to copy the tar.gz file onto the SD! D'oh!

Now, how do i get games to work? I put the libs on the root of my (not empty) SD card and ran it from the utility menu. Games still do not work - I've tried BubbleX and the NesSnesGP2X emu in the download section of All I get is a black screen.

The emu is in the following location where K is the SD Card root: K:\Games\SNES\emu\snesgp2x.gpe

Am I being impatient? Do games also have long loading times, or am I doing something wrong?

Cheers guys....
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