Gp2x Getting Upgrades.

Off-topic: For everyone who dislikes the GC analog stick for 2D games (or fighting games, etc), Hori makes an EXCELLENT digital-only controller. I bought mine for use with the Game Boy Player and it's pretty nice, similar to the SNES controller but with the GC button layout. I recommend it if you play a lot of games for which the GC D-pad is inadequate.
Ravnos posted on Apr 21 2006 at 02:12 PM said:
Off-topic: For everyone who dislikes the GC analog stick for 2D games (or fighting games, etc), Hori makes an EXCELLENT digital-only controller. I bought mine for use with the Game Boy Player and it's pretty nice, similar to the SNES controller but with the GC button layout. I recommend it if you play a lot of games for which the GC D-pad is inadequate.

Yep, I had one, and I sold it. For things like the Megaman collections, it's still better to use a controller convertor and a DualShock just due to having a better face button layout. For everything else, I still use an arcade stick.

Anyway, sorry for going wildly off topic..
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iatneH posted on Apr 20 2006 at 03:39 PM said:
Anybody who visits arcades regularly can tell you that joysticks > D-pads, and digital > analogue :)

Agreed that NGPC has the best thumbstick ever, aside from the NGCD controllers (and the PS2 version also). Pure microswitched delicious yumminess.

Playing shooters (which is the vast majority of what I play that originates in arcades) is more authentic on an arcade stick, but it honestly feels easier and more precise to control my movement with a D-Pad. Even better with arrow keys (lawl) due to the near-instant delay between inputs. It does make wider circular movements and diagnol movements less natural though.

Honestly I'd be the happiest with a D-Pad on the GP2X. I pretty much feel like I'm holding my old black GBA when I'm using it, the button orientation is similar too. So it feels unnatural that there's a bizarro 16-way stick there.
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iatneH posted on Apr 20 2006 at 08:39 PM said:
Anybody who visits arcades regularly can tell you that joysticks > D-pads, and digital > analogue :)

Agreed that NGPC has the best thumbstick ever, aside from the NGCD controllers (and the PS2 version also). Pure microswitched delicious yumminess.

Amen to that brother. I would love to replace my GP32 stick my NGPC one (maybe even more so than I'd want a D-pad)
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