Update To Open2x Or Use 3.0?


DingooWiki Admin
Mar 26, 2007
Chicago, IL - USA
I bought a used GP2X, and right now I'm waiting on it to arrive, but I was wondering if anyone thought I should use Open2X or upgrade to 3.0.

Or even keep using the same firmware that's on there. I think it's at 2.0 right now, but I'm not positive.

I'm still kind of wary about upgrading the firmware at all since I have no AC Adapter, but I'd be using a brand new pack of NiMH batteries, that I have to go buy soon.

How can you find out whether your batteries are fully charged?

Open2x is not out yet, and 3.0.0 has a slower boot time than 2.*.*.

Best would be to patch the 2.0.0 it comes with to 2.1.1 (search in archive for the 2.1.1 file). 2.1.1 has faster SD card read/writes than 2.0.0.
Any general advice for flashing? How long does a flash take? Is there any way I can use an AC Adapter without buying the official one (like use a generic AC Adapter from radioshack)? How can I find out whether my batteries are fully charged?
When you buy new rechargeables always harge them before use.
You can use a generic adaptor just as long as you make sure to use the correct polarity and make sure it can deliver the correct current. (Details on the wiki... should be)
NEVER update to 3.0. Stay at 2.11. 3.0 Takes way to long to boot, and schemes dont work right.