Wow. Let me write my comments here. Yesterday, it was too late when I tried to watch the demos and then I had to sleep, heh. So I'll write my comments today..
Most of the demos were quite good for my expectations (do I always have low expectations? ;P). I really liked at least 4 of them. Babylon Bastard and Debris where quite nice and maybe the second is my most favorite (most nicely designed from all imho and the effects are decent and look good enough). The first is also quite ok designed and more technical (great 3d), those two I think are better than mine in the artistic aspect cause I didn't used any nifty gfx layers at all, mostly coder stuff. Both are similar to mine in technical aspects. Nice 3d and smooth 2d effects here.
The codealone is a great surprise. From a technical stand point of view (is it the only here using the second CPU?). Especially, when I tried to run it, it returned me to menu and at first I thought "Oh no! It's not running!!!" to later surprise with that 3d transition on the GUI. Wow factor!!!
And then the 64ks. I did liked demo1, not just for the voxel (which goes a bit slow and I have seen better ones, but thumbs up for releasing the first on GP2X!
) but it's nicely done even without music, the rest effects are oldschool and preety smooth (nice rotozoomer
). I don't care if they are done before, I do care to see them smooth and good looking and here it's there with also a nice font for the sine scroll. My personal favorite 64k.
Pooldemo has nice collision detection with balls, I can sit there and stare all time
. More a onescreen than a true demo but there is this one effect to make it likeable. The colors though are a bit,.. psychedelic ;P.
The start of cube effects is promising. Nice 3d cube, though with the non perspective texture mapping it looks a bit ugly. Still promising. Then it is very long and some parts are preety much slow
. Nice to see though that the coder went through the hassle to try texture generation. I also like the motion blur effect a bit later which isn't as slow as the previous post processing effect.
Waking up the dead: nice to see a new GP2X demo from Ragnor, although I am still badly surprised about the speed. It really destroys the nice oldschool feeling this might have. Is it because of the OGG player? I think not but I am not sure. What makes even a scroller so slow? You are not using a putpixel subroutine to draw each pixel for each single effect there, are you? (Just guessing
). The music is cute though and the scrolltexts show a good message, to wake up the dead and bring more demoscene in the GP2X =)))