Mygp2x - The Skin Competition


Mind the world, need for panic
Apr 2, 2006
The Netherlands
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7 Apr 2006

myGP2X - The Competition
Yes! For a while now, I've been thinking about a competition here at myGP2X. Now, this is a personal website, so what we are talking about is a comp where I'll be funding the prize. I won't say what the prize is yet but I will say that it will be worth ~UKP180 and have nothing at all to do with handheld consoles (that's a lie if you are handy with a soldering iron...).

Ok, so the competition is to create an original skin / theme for the GP2X. I'll make it quite long so let's say last entry must be in by Friday April 28th. I'll announce the winner on May 1st.

The reason I've chosen this as a competition is because I have consistently seen lots of hard work going into creating skins and I think this therefore makes a great basis for a competition.


[1] Skin must be 100% original / copyright free, so no, cute as he is, Mario is a no-no.
[2] It must be the entrants' own creation - and by the act of sending your entry you agree that this certifies that you are not breaking this rule.
[3] Entries limited to one per person per day.
[4] My decision on the winner is final, final, final.
[5] Winner will receive a prize of value on or around UKP180. That's a promise. I'll even mail it to the winner regardless of location, so let's see those entries from far flung locations!
[6] Skin must work for v1.4.0 firmware release.
[7] That said, it doesn't have to 100% work on 1.4 but it would be nice...
[8] Skin must be copyright free so anyone can download and alter it afterwards.
[9] Skin is non-exclusive as in, no I / myGP2X do not own any rights to it (but if you somehow make your fortune through it, hello, remember me..?)
[10] All entries must be sent via email to richard at and do provide some info on your entry!
[11] The skin must not already be in circulation - i.e it is new and original - don't even think about trying to circumvent this rule, I have eyes everywhere ;)

If you run a blog, forum, etc. please help out and publicise this. I look forward to seeing your entries!

Best wishes,

Richard Weeks founder