Gp2x Crap Games Competition Results!


vultum stultum habes
Nov 4, 2005
Essex, UK
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After much deliberation, procrastination and hibernation, I and a panel of highly qualified judges I found on IRC have come to a final decision. So, the moment you've all been waiting (months too long) for:

The winners of the bitter taste of defeat are:
3. Guyfawkes - Walking Simulator Extreme

Guyfawkes' wonderful entry combines the enjoyment of walking with the pain of dehydration in his highly addictive, heart-wrenching tale of a traveller on a flat desert.

2. A_SN - Run, Hitler, Run!

The combination of a brilliantly rendered Parisian backdrop, silly French people and Hitler levitating have transformed what would have been a pile of crap into a pile of crap which has brought me seconds of entertainment.

And finally, the winner of the 20p and the Toffee Crisp is...

1. Anppa and Sonistar - Don't Press Any Button

Just as I thought nothing would outdo "Run, Hitler, Run!" this gem appears. Based on not doing anything, it strives to deprive you of your sacred right to kill infuriating people.

A special bonus mention goes to Glouton for absolutely failing to be crap.

All the entries and their respective reviews are available here:

But that isn't all. Soon enough, there will be a community vote thingy, so get thinking of your favourite entry. The winner will obtain the coveted GP2XCGC trophy (pictures to come). Winners of actual physical prizes will need to contact me with their address.
yeah, a cgc is just what we need from time to time. you better start saving for next year's grand prize: a box of toffee crisps! Jycet, shame on you! Try harder next time!
Goity said:
Is there a reason that all top three games were reviewed by you? Coincidence? I think not.
a crap jury with crap judgment skills is the crap condition for every cpc.
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Goity said:
Is there a reason that all top three games were reviewed by you? Coincidence? I think not.
It's probably because I reviewed all the good-looking ones and gave the rubbish ones to other people to review. But the results were decided by four people altogether.
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I wouldn't mind so much, but I can't even code games this good :(
Nice Crap work everyone :D

EDIT: Just had a thought (yes it happens sometimes)..
If JyCet failed at making a crap game, this mean that he's better than everyone else or crapper?? :blink:
Wow.....this is why the GP2x community is the best gaming community EVER!

Seriously, great work and look forward to Crap Games II.
nickspoon said:
Goity said:
Is there a reason that all top three games were reviewed by you? Coincidence? I think not.
It's probably because I reviewed all the good-looking ones and gave the rubbish ones to other people to review. But the results were decided by four people altogether.

The truth is out!
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I think mine would have rated higher if you'd figured out the object of the 'game'...

Still, thanks for finally posting the winners :D
when i looked at the old ones, and saw that pong where the opposing paddle goes all the way around the screen, i laughed for a good 15 minutes, could not breathe. my personal favorite of these is walking simulator extreme, because the weird angle the guy is at makes me smile, and the name is absolute gold.
Mudi said:
I think mine would have rated higher if you'd figured out the object of the 'game'...

Still, thanks for finally posting the winners :D
There was an object?
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Yeah, you bounced the ball on the Mii's head. Except the time in which the ball can be bounced with the up key is incredibly short (I got a high score of 11 once). I knew that the toffee crisp was out of my league with awesome entries like Run Hitler Run and Don't Press Any Button, but I figured I'd at least get some of that bitter taste of defeat :D All us poor unranked people don't even get that apparently :lol:

I might get over it eventually. Probably.
Wow! I would have never thought my game would get outcrapped! Congratulations to Anppa and Sonistar, I'll definitely have to try your game. I guess Sonistar wasn't my crapness consultant for no reason ;-). Oh well, I hope that community vote will replace that bitter taste of defeat in my mouth by something like the sweet taste OF A MOTHER FUCKING TOFFEE CRISP!! :angry: