Very Active Member
[ OpenPandora - Crap Game Competition 2013 ]
You must make the "worst" game you can within the time you've been given
The games should be played on OpenPandora Hadheld and have a logo of
The games should be played on OpenPandora Hadheld and have a logo of
Crap Game Competition 2013
[Game Compo DeadLine - 15 December 2013]
The Prizes [this might change over time - donators for prizes, anyone?]:
[ 1st Place ]
+ DosBox EX - Donators License [from StreaK // CB]
+ full £10 of British chocolate and treats to the winner [from iprice]
OP Board Badge with info about first place.
[ 2nd Place ]
OP Board Badge with info about second place.
[ 3rd Place ]
OP Board Badge with info about third place.
Why the pizes are so crappy?
uh, well its Crap Game Compo
. Prizes should be crappy
Can i code a game in terminal?
What code language to use?
Any language you want
The game should be OpenSourced?
Nope. Any License will be ok [but not commercial]
Can i port the game and enter the contest?
Nope, sorry. Game should be OpenPandora exclusive while compo is running. After compo you can port it everywhere you want.
But why?
You know, Christmas soon, lets give something exclusive to OP community in christmas, without expecting any big prizes. Its not a big efford to make a crappy game, right?
But why CRAP?
'Crap' its a metaphor. Create any kind of game that you want. And dont be afraid that game you created is crappy... I hope many of you will enter the contest, because everyone have the chance to be on first place
Why such a ridiculous idea?
Its just the continuation of excellent Nick's Spoon Crap Game Competition from GP2X days that i really miss
What about game theme?
The more ridiculous concept & execution, the better! You want to create a porn shoot em up?
Potato Peeling Emulator Game? This is a contest for U
If you'll need an inspiration for Game, fire up GINGE:
and download some first class crap games from nick spoon compo [that NSA dont want you to know
[ List of competitors ]
StreaK, Whack-a-Troll Game [Released]
Binky, Mind the duckies [Released]
ziz, Hase Prototype [Released]
matti1234, Santa's Super Christmas ChallengeGame [Released]
2nd entry: Dont Step On Crap [Released]:
PokeParadox: CrapShot [Released]
Illegal_Instruction:SpaceBar Adventure! [Released]
CptnRoughnight CrapCopter [Released]
Elw3 Blob [Released]
SSwam Balls [Released]
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