Hi everyone,
Unai, Chui, and I had a talk about GP2PSX. We're aiming for a GP2X release within 7 days. This means the Zaurus port (which is very fast now btw), will be ready in the same time period.
Chui has made great progress on the Dreamcast version of emulator's codebase. There's even a video of it floating around. It uses a dynamic recompiler.
The switch from the interpreter to the recompiler for the SH4 cpu gave us an indication of what to expect in terms of a performance increase. The CPU emulation currently is profiled as taking about 50% of the total runtime. With the recompiler we can expect around 3x the performance over the interpreter. Maybe even more as ARM has a very powerful instruction set.
Unai is making great progress on the GPU. He has a few bug's to work out, and it's going through a major reworking. Hopefully it can be in a good state within our release time frame.
I made some improvements to the interpreter (CPU emulation), and got another frame per second added to the slowest of games.
I also improved the ISO loading process and emulator's cdrom handling.
Compatibility is up, but there's one bug I want to get fixed. It seems Tekken and Einhander crash after running a bit. This bug was fixed at one point and has returned, anyone remember at what point this bug was fixed? If so, I can figure out how to get compatibility up further, much quicker.
Unai and I estimate most 3D games such as Wipeout, will run at lowest, around 20 FPS without frameskip. At this speed games should be playable with frameskip.
Currently Wipeout 1 runs at it's slowest, 7 FPS in-game. With frameskip it's still too slow to play. Though it is impressive to watch.

Were hoping the dynarec and new GPU core will solve the performance issue.
Tinnus is working on the dynarec, and is making progress.
So, news is, we're aiming for a release within a week. Not sure if it's going to be the release everyone wants, but we're trying our hardest. Those with Sharp Zaurus' will be pleasantly suprised.
Oh, one more thing. We've named the codebase that GP2PSX runs on as...PSX4ALL. We have the domain, www.psx4all.net and we have hosting for an official site. Depending on how hard it is to maintain the website, we might need a webmaster to design the site to make it easy to update and interactive enough for people to get information they need on the ports.
That's all for now...