Gp2psx V0.16

Sonic-NKT posted on Dec 14 2005 at 01:15 PM said:
hmm does anyone of you now how to rip cd musik (.raw in data mode and music tracks in audio mode) manual? if i just delete them the game wont work anymore ;)

Arg.. I get the same result when I rip FFtactics which is on confirmed working list.

I used PocketISO to do it ... I must be doing something wrong.. Can sum1 give instructions on how to rip it nicely so itll boot?
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hehe, yes perhaps some dummy files is a solution. Problem for me is that my sd is too small :)
Drak posted on Dec 14 2005 at 09:19 PM said:
Sonic-NKT posted on Dec 14 2005 at 01:15 PM said:
hmm does anyone of you now how to rip cd musik (.raw in data mode and music tracks in audio mode) manual? if i just delete them the game wont work anymore ;)

Arg.. I get the same result when I rip FFtactics which is on confirmed working list.

I used PocketISO to do it ... I must be doing something wrong.. Can sum1 give instructions on how to rip it nicely so itll boot?
I couldn't get fft to work either. I tried both pocketISO and just the .bin and .cue files.... I just tried to get it to run in a windows psx emulator and it wouldn't work there either, does that mean I ripped it incorrectly? I used winISO to rip it...
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hmm not compressed it should work under a windows emulator.. try another program
Sonic-NKT posted on Dec 14 2005 at 09:34 PM said:
hmm not compressed it should work under a windows emulator.. try another program
So, uh, what program would you recommend? I tried the one that was recommended earlier on this board but it didn't detect my cd drive for some reason.... So i ended up using winISO which I already had on my computer.... I tried doing it in alcohol 120% but it wouldn't let me rip it to a .bin, it only let me rip it to two file formats I have never used before...
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I got the downloaded version, which is just a ISO of the orig one. (works on comp, 512mb one)

I ripped it with POCKETISO and it didnt work on the 2x or my comp. ;)
96ish mb
hando posted on Dec 14 2005 at 11:04 AM said:
Could anyone check if Front Mission 3 works ?

Just tried that. THe movies play ok (albeit not at full speed), but i cant get it to get into the game - the intro movie just keeps looping.
Pressing the start button just makes it start playing the movie again, and the other face buttons dont seem to do anything.

I've never used pocketiso before so i dont know if i did it 'right' - just compressed it without removing any movies or audio.
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zodttd posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:09 AM said:
Btw, I claim dibs on porting PinMAME. I totally forgot about that fantastic VisualPinball+PinMAME I use to play. I'm also keeping an eye out for FreeCIV. Though I know Civ2 was working on the PSX emu at one point.

VisualPinMame and FreeCiv?
Two of the most coolest games around :)

Medieval Madness on the go... geeez :)
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Yeah there are a few settings in Pocket ISO to mess with and really there are no hard fast rules, Maybe a section should be added to the compatibilty list for working configurations of Pocket ISO for each particular games ?

OK seems a few people haven't done much PSX ripping so heres a quick beginners get go as it were, This is my routine and may not work for you so check other routes to via Google

1a I use CRDWin (Any good cd software should do) to pull an image *OF JUST THE DATA TRACK NOT THE AUDIO TRACKS* on the PSX CD straight down to the hard drive in the computer, Then use PocketISO to strip as much as possible out (After each test rip from PocketISO i test to see if it works)
I use this technique first as it will work on quite a lot of games and saves on space on the HD while you rip

1b I use CDRWin to rip the entire image of the PSX CD to the hard drive and then run PocketISO to strip out as much as possible(Again testing each version)

When using PocketISO play with a few of the settings and see what you can compromise on, I have had plenty of games that compress to 90meg and wont work on my PocketPC but when compressing them even further they work, This does not always ring true though and some games (I could be wrong here but it seems right) contain some kind of extra data in the audio tracks that can be ripped out and will freeze if these are removed, And again some games will only run fully if the entire image is used

I hope this helps anyone and if you have any questions feel free to ask, Not that i'm an expert but i have used Pocket ISO for quite a while ;)
My Final Fantasy Tactics 528MB .bin used to work but with the most recent Psx emu update now freezes at the title screen under both HLE and normal mode. Very dissapointing, has anyone else found this problem?
Lodis posted on Dec 16 2005 at 01:37 AM said:
My Final Fantasy Tactics 528MB .bin used to work but with the most recent Psx emu update now freezes at the title screen under both HLE and normal mode. Very dissapointing, has anyone else found this problem?

Did you try that on v0.18?
0.16 has that problem and it solved on 0.18

I just want you remind that although I'm sure you mentioned 'recent' but this thread is about 0.16.
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mittens posted on Dec 16 2005 at 01:49 AM said:
Lodis posted on Dec 16 2005 at 01:37 AM said:
My Final Fantasy Tactics 528MB .bin used to work but with the most recent Psx emu update now freezes at the title screen under both HLE and normal mode. Very dissapointing, has anyone else found this problem?

Did you try that on v0.18?
0.16 has that problem and it solved on 0.18

I just want you remind that although I'm sure you mentioned 'recent' but this thread is about 0.16.

Yea I tried it on version 0.18 and on both modes it freezes at the 'squaresoft' screen. FFT was working on earlier versions with no major problems apart from speed issues. Now it does not work at all.
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a third gpu core? sounds like you really working hard on it...
Thank you so much for your work on this emu!
I just noticed a minor thing, the updated GP2XPsx emu version 0.18 still says version 0.16 when you run it.

I just tried my 60 MB Mortal Kombat 2 CD rip .bin and in this new version, I am glad to say it works so far perfectly, the graphics look perfect, I dont notice any corruption and I can play through the game as normal. Of course the only issue is speed but apart from that it is great because it did not run on the last version.

I have to say I really appreciate the hard work that is being put into this and will donate again later on in the project to show my appreciation.
Drak posted on Dec 14 2005 at 02:55 PM said:
I got the downloaded version, which is just a ISO of the orig one. (works on comp, 512mb one)

I ripped it with POCKETISO and it didnt work on the 2x or my comp. ;)
96ish mb

I wrote a short guide on how I do it Here (link to my post)

It is in the thread for GP2PSX v0.10

I have had some good results by replacing the music and movies with the dummy files found on those links.

If you don't know how to rename a file so as to get the right uppercase/lowercase properly, I suggest something like this:

The file blank.str will be a movie
The file ABA.STR will be the original movie.

highlight (turn blue) the ABA.STR, press [F2]

Copy the contents of the name with [ctrl] + [c] or [ctrl] + [x] or right click and choose cut or copy, then press anything, such as ddfdffd to rename that file.

Then go to the blank.str file, press [F2] then use [ctrl] + [v] or right click paste to rename.

Once you get into a rythm it is easy to rename a lot of movies, arranging the icons by type helps too, as it groups all the .str and .xa files together
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nubie posted on Dec 16 2005 at 02:01 PM said:
Drak posted on Dec 14 2005 at 02:55 PM said:
I got the downloaded version, which is just a ISO of the orig one. (works on comp, 512mb one)

I ripped it with POCKETISO and it didnt work on the 2x or my comp.  ;)
96ish mb

I wrote a short guide on how I do it Here (link to my post)

It is in the thread for GP2PSX v0.10

I have had some good results by replacing the music and movies with the dummy files found on those links.

If you don't know how to rename a file so as to get the right uppercase/lowercase properly, I suggest something like this:

The file blank.str will be a movie
The file ABA.STR will be the original movie.

highlight (turn blue) the ABA.STR, press [F2]

Copy the contents of the name with [ctrl] + [c] or [ctrl] + [x] or right click and choose cut or copy, then press anything, such as ddfdffd to rename that file.

Then go to the blank.str file, press [F2] then use [ctrl] + [v] or right click paste to rename.

Once you get into a rythm it is easy to rename a lot of movies, arranging the icons by type helps too, as it groups all the .str and .xa files together

Yeah, that should be helpfull. Thanks :P Now I just gotta wait for a new version since he said it doesnt work in this one. hehe
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Well, i finally got this to work! sorta....

I tried it with final fantasy tactics as that is reported to work. I put the complete .bin and .cue files on my SD card and I loaded it up and.... it started! With HLE and without. However, in both of them, it froze once it reached the squaresoft logo..... I can play it using ePSX on my PC so its not the image file thats messed up.... am I doing something wrong or is it not supported? I was under the impression fft was one of the better games on it...
Unfortunately, ff tactics doesn't seem to work in v0.18. I'm working hard in getting it to work in the next version.