Cool pm me if you need a story at some point.My offer stands.Wrath of Kahn, thanks for the suggestionWe are not at the story level yet, so no rush on that side. There are a number of technical discussions going on first, as well as scope discussions.
We'll let you know when we are ready to discuss "story" or background elements - this will become helpful when we reach the designing stage, I believe.
By the way, still to be confirmed but expected to be a side-scroller.
Thanks alot im glad you like the idea.Im ready and eager to flesh out the story some more whenever ye would like and yes the idea is to have an emotional element to the story for the player to relate to and it gives purpose to the actions they perform in game. The idea of faces popping up on the screen is a great one too.The story could be related in this fashion too. I really think you got my idea as regards the soulfire.The rainbow colour effect you mentioned would imply the human spirit aspect of the ship perhaps.In that it is powered by the scientists soul. I have had the idea for the warp-ram(thats what I named it)for quite a while.I also thought that maybe it could be used as a finishing move when the bosses energy is very low.Imagine the ship ripping through the boss.Perhaps You would only have one warp-ram given to you for boss fights.I am totally up for contributing to this game in any manner as being involved in the creation of a game is frankly a dream of mine.Im open to suggestions and ideas and would be happy to collaborate on this.Ye are welcome to pm me anytime.I can check on this thread too.Bit of a ramble.In short If you want a story/ideas etc im game.Edit and yes as per your other post a 16 bit style to the game is a good idea imo.Wrath, I thaught it was a great concept! The feeling is ace and the weapons very anime and emotional, I can totally see them deployed in my head with shimmering rainbow colors flashing around the ship as it bursts across the screen ending with major explosions all over the place as the ship slowly falls back to the left side of screen, and the soulfire as a gigantic laser beam shimmering in all colors as it burn all in its path to a crisp!
Concerning the effects, it should definitly look and feel like a 16bit game, we should make half resolution sprites, so each pixel consists of 4 actual screen pixels, and the effects should be limited to this res also, otherwise it looks modern and weird. Except the dark cave effect and mayby wavy water, we will see, but the soulfire for ex can have a texture with half res pixels describing a offset for whats behind, that requires a drawToTexture call but Im sure a single call wont sink the framerate, we will see.
gradius 5 was ace and the weapons system worked well in that it let you choose and find a setup that suited you.The gameplay balance was pitch perfect too.a mecha is possible the scientists soul could be merged with this in the story.I always thought it would be so cool to have a proper transforming mecha ie from ship to robot with differing powers for either transformation.Fast transforming on the fly would be cool maybe.I love the talk of parallax scrolling too shadow of the beast eat your heart out! Some of the stuff you described sounds good.Edit a sort of crumbling lore filled ancient cities vibe kinda dark in places atmosphere would be nice. In terms of evoking a time and place and a deep sense of the world I would say shadow of the beast a500 did it so very very well.What about a mecha instead of a spaceship? Then the warp-ram can be some kind of super punch.
I think it should be able to be powered up at will, by some sort of select system like in Gradius were you choose what weapons you want to build or spend cost on shield thats a temporary boost.
Also I realized how the parralax layers should work, they should simply be quads that fill the screen, no more no less, and then movement gets added to texture coordinates instead, the parralax layers can scroll endlessly at any speed and any direction without a problem, and you could even seamlessly exchange images, like a check if(X>1.0) X-=1.0;
Then the scale is always predictable, so if you add a new texture hmm well if it has a full width of old image it would still be noticeable, but not with double width!
For ex, the background is space, then as you come across a new section the background becomes a planet or something, and it just comes into view seamlessly as it had always been drawn on the original texture, this is done by having 2 screen widths of old space texture before the planet starts in the exchange texture, no that wont work still, it needs to change to a repeatable planet texture immidiatly, instead the edge of the planet needs to be a seperate temporarily sprite, and it can find its right spot by that texture coordinate system. Or the background can just dim to black and then come back with a different texture, now I remember seeing that in some games, that still look cool and is easier.
But I thaught of this from seeing the Aero Blast videos in the pm, theres a boss fight with the background circling around really fast and that looked so ace, it could easily be done like this.
I think the art should remain consistant throughout the game.e.g. have the alien world and spaceships in 8bit pixel-doubled graphics, but not the player's ship and its weapons..?
Okay, I'll go with the flow...The alpha channels would mainly be used for the typical sprite cut-out or what to say, but I think it will work well for other things to, R-Type had water in the second game, shooters have all kinds of flashy effect all the time.