Ok I made one more test, but now battery is flat so I didnt have time to make another test I wanted to do, but I tested putting all polygons with exact same vertice coordinates, 300 triangles, framerate dropped to under 10, I then turned off depthtest and framerate was the same. I then tried giving each triangles vertices +0.001 in the X values for each new triangle, same framerate, I then tryed increasing by +0.1 instead and then framerate went up to 100.
So try doing this, level buildingblocks will never overlap so they can be normal, but give different size for polygon of ships, then a ships vertice coordinates will never be same as a building block, and then parralax layers can be single big sheets and the corner can have different values there also. Since the ships collision detection area can be something else then the polygon vertices and graphics dont need to cover the hole area Either it dosnt matter the size of the actual poly. Im sure framerate should be ok for several layers if no vertice coordinates match for overlapping polys.