Wasn`t this supposed to be a review thread <_<
I`ve finally gotten around to test some entries yesterday, here are my tiny reviews:
Boomshine2X: Good clone of a flashgame, but I find it a little too colorless (is that a word?

). Its nicely coded though, but could go well with more funky graphics. And to me, it feels like the explosion takes to long to grow.
F341: A demo actually, but a stunning one, I`m really impressed by the graphics & effects... I hope this engine is going to be used in a game sometime.
(no rating)
FleshChasmer I: Absolutely interesting 3D rpg, I quite like it, though the camera behavior is bad, and enemies keep spawning at me every second, so I died very quickly. I can`t save freely and I dunno where to go... The graphics are top, I`ve never seen anything like that on the 2X, but I`m no graphics whore, I`m a gameplay fan, and the gameplay is to slow (is that guy always sneaking?) and unresponsive for me.
Mister Block: Another remake of a flash game, I finished it pretty quick and I liked it. There could have been more content, but it was fun while it lasted.
Ruck-Man: An absolutely stunning remake of Pacman, Ruck-Man is simply great, graphics and gameplay, and even though I`m no Pacmanfan, I enjoyed playing it, especially the new game modes (Panic is my favorite). Thumbs up, this should definatly score one of the top three.
Sqdef: My favorite so far, I`m a big fan of tower defense games, and having a stunning one like this on the gp2x is awesome. I love the simple graphics style and I love the awesome implementation of the interface. Too bad is, I find the gameplay too hard at the moment, I was only able to beat the 10 waves levels yet. I would give it 4/5 because of that, but it gets another point for the save function, which I have never seen in any TD game. Make this game first place, dammit!
Super Sonic Speed:A very nice physics based game, I spent quite a lot time plaing it yesterday. The interface could need some improvements, like showing the strength of one of the magnet thingies or whatever they are, and those blood splatter effects (as much as I like splatter) render the game pretty hard to play, as they cover parts of the level and you`ll hardly be able to see where the particles crash into a wall. Still a nice game.
More to follow, will play other entries this evening.