Certified Idiot :)
PSyMastR - to keep things simple i reckon its better to stick to normal images instead of flash for the banners.
PSyMastR - to keep things simple i reckon its better to stick to normal images instead of flash for the banners.
Can they be .swf?
I don't think they are being with all this impressive style-shit banners (style shit meant as positive, great, awesome style-shit) i guess it'll be really hard to choose a winner.
nice work dgnadt!
yeah, i think the competition only applies to the coders...they can use whatever suits their taste, which is a cool way of doing it from an artistic can pick the one that best matches the type of app or the way it feels.
if it was me coding (maybe someday!) i'd probably use no_skill's.
nice work dgnadt!
I don't think they are being judged.
no_skill: Add links to your entry - its a great design and its not flashy. If I was entering I wouldn't want a splash screen that looked better than my app but I would want a good design, and yours fits the bill.
Here's my second (and final) entry.