Gp2x-2006 Coding Competition Splashscreens

Lol, thanks again! i used a program called swift 3d, its used to make 3d vectors. so i used that for the wireframes.
anyone know of the easiest way for me to transfer the gp2x logo onto my work?

Steal it off of rokdcasbah's work
ok this is probably the last one...


no idea what its meant to be, looked cool a few hours ago, i messed around with it and now... o_0

i tried it with the real logo, but the '2006' didn't match it. Oh well.. its a picasso.
Here's my contribution. I thought it would be a good day to learn to use Inkscape.


I'll work on it a bit more when I've gotten a better hang of this program.
anyone know of the easiest way for me to transfer the gp2x logo onto my work?

what i did: first used google image search, took the largest version of the lettering that i could find (the straight on front minivian shot with the logo on the screen), cut & paste, cleaned some of the pixels up. i also found a picture of just the 'X' here. maybe if i have time i will make a vectorized copy, unless someone beats me to it.
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I love playing with typography and photographs :) I can also do the banner ads if you like this.
I've updated mine, put them all together (Edit: Noticed a typo Edit2: Fixed it -> here )

Sorry for the delay, I haven't had access to the PC where I originally did it for a few days.

I just wish I had the artistic talent of some of the people here - some amazing designs :)
Well, here's another along the same line. I don't think my designs are going to inspire anybody to drop their pants and start coding, but I think they're a bit cute.

thanks for all the banners, i have added all the ones that were made or updated to use

we still need one or two banners for the competition, a 468x60 and 150x150 (or 150x120 etc). If someone could do those that would be great!