Gba Emulation

I think it goes a little like this:

Exophase wrote the original emulator, but either wasn't interested in a gp2x port, or wasn't interested in a dynarec for it on the gp2x.
ZodTTD decided to take on the project himself, ported it, and made a dynarec.
At that point, Exophase got interested and carried on the work that Zodttd did.

So you could say that it's Exophases baby, but Zodttd ported it and got most of the donations, and now Exophase continues to support it whilst Zodttd works on some other projects.

Therefore, if you like the current version, you should donate to Exophase :)
Squidge said:
I think it goes a little like this:

Exophase wrote the original emulator, but either wasn't interested in a gp2x port, or wasn't interested in a dynarec for it on the gp2x.
ZodTTD decided to take on the project himself, ported it, and made a dynarec.
At that point, Exophase got interested and carried on the work that Zodttd did.

So you could say that it's Exophases baby, but Zodttd ported it and got most of the donations, and now Exophase continues to support it whilst Zodttd works on some other projects.

Therefore, if you like the current version, you should donate to Exophase :)
Close, only I didn't so much carry on developing zodttd's dynarec as rewrote it starting over from the reference implementation for x86. I was gonna do this sooner or later, I was just preoccupied and lazy.
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Squidge: Love the way you put that. :P

But yes, what Squidge said is true. I do hope Exophase get's more donations for his work. He deserves every penny. I'll donate to Exophase when he decides to accept mine.

I got way more donations than expected, alot for mostly trying to motivate Exophase to get into GP2X dev. And I believe Exophase deserves more than he received. Though I think I may be banished from gpSP development, it's his precious. ;P
Have i got the rite bios ? Because my friend says it is fake !
It is 16kb in size, he says that his is something like 500kb.

Sorry if its offtopic its the only thread i could see related.
flammablepiss said:
Have i got the rite bios ? Because my friend says it is fake !
It is 16kb in size, he says that his is something like 500kb.
Your friend is talking rubbish, your BIOS is the correct size.
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Hmm I just got my gp2x a week ago and man I'm stoked...

Still I'm not sure but maybe this is just me I dled latest version of gba emu and everytime I run the thing I get told its incorrect bios and its a 16kb bios dump.

man this is frustrating. The image keeps popping up in the topleft corner of the screen when I play advance wars 1 and I can't even play advance wars 2 this is really irritating..

Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

maybe its the firmware 3.0 or sumthing...
garzyboi said:
Hmm I just got my gp2x a week ago and man I'm stoked...

Still I'm not sure but maybe this is just me I dled latest version of gba emu and everytime I run the thing I get told its incorrect bios and its a 16kb bios dump.

man this is frustrating. The image keeps popping up in the topleft corner of the screen when I play advance wars 1 and I can't even play advance wars 2 this is really irritating..

Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

maybe its the firmware 3.0 or sumthing...
Just because the image you have is 16KB doesn't mean it's the correct one.
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How to tell for sure image is correct outbeside making a dump...

without having to use the emu to tell I got the wrong one...

because thats probably why I can't play aw2...
garzyboi said:
How to tell for sure image is correct outbeside making a dump...

without having to use the emu to tell I got the wrong one...

because thats probably why I can't play aw2...

PM me.
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Btw: What is actually going on with gba emulation? Is there someone working on this or is it put on hold? Just interested as I am using gpsp quite a lot and am still a little sad that mario-party is crashing all the time.
aaron11193 said:
I have a question.
Why is GBA so hard to emulate?
Both GBA and gp2x use an ARM processor so shouldnt it run as good as a _real_ GBA if not better?
The GBA has a GPU that is a bit of a bitch to emulate at good speed from what i`ve heard.

The GBA has an ARM 7 processor and the GP2x has an ARM 9 processor which as far as i know are not directly backward compatible, Thats why the DS as both processors.

I suppose time is another thing.

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aaron11193 said:
I have a question.
Why is GBA so hard to emulate?
Both GBA and gp2x use an ARM processor so shouldnt it run as good as a _real_ GBA if not better?
How many game platform emulators do you know of that natively execute game code? The only examples you'll find run games that are sufficiently high level in their implementation, and not low level like GBA games.

Go read my blog, I wrote a big entry about why virtualizing the GBA's CPU on the GP2X is not feasible. I also left out an even bigger problem, cache coherency, which makes it impossible for virtually all games.

Besides, the CPU is only one part of the equation. GBA has a pretty powerful video subsystem, and basically none of the GP2X hardware serves to improve this.
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which brings me back to my actual question: is gba emulation still being worked on or put on hold?

So, yeah... Exophase... are you still working on it or have you taken a break for the compo? Or are you not planning to continue. An update on the current progress would be really nice!
xnopasaranx said:
which brings me back to my actual question: is gba emulation still being worked on or put on hold?

So, yeah... Exophase... are you still working on it or have you taken a break for the compo? Or are you not planning to continue. An update on the current progress would be really nice!
I'm working on it.
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