Gameboy Advance Emulator.

First we need a GBC Emu, after that a GBA one...

I have so much GBC games which I would like to play on gp2x... :(
Ditto,damintor. Do note that once a GBA emulator is running, it *should* play the old games... I think. Not sure how that works on the GBA, since that feature was evidently not so tightly entertwined it couldn't be removed for the Micro. I'd expect a GBA emulator sooner if only because difficulty isn't much of a factor and interest is greater.
Ditto,damintor. Do note that once a GBA emulator is running, it *should* play the old games... I think.

Nope, I mean it could if they coded two emulators in one, but a gba emulator is a gba emulator. The GBA can play GBC/GB games because it has a Z80 processor in it also.
When there is a gba emulator out for the gp2x though, I am sure there will be a gbc emulator also. I mean, why wouldn't there be?
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Ditto,damintor. Do note that once a GBA emulator is running, it *should* play the old games... I think. Not sure how that works on the GBA, since that feature was evidently not so tightly entertwined it couldn't be removed for the Micro. I'd expect a GBA emulator sooner if only because difficulty isn't much of a factor and interest is greater.

Your are right, but I thought its harder and takes more time to make a 100% GBA Emu than a 100% GBC Emu
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A GBA emulator would probally be better then a GBC one (unless the GBA can only play GBC games through its own brand of emulation), it would solve the bother of the GP being widescreen and <GBC not.

I know emulators are supposed to be legal (damn I don't remember this place being so bloody aggressive...) but nintendo do not play fair, they have stirred up trouble for people making emulators of their consoles in the past- IIRC it even went to court with a GC one.
I doubt the GP2X is even highprofile enough to get their attention... But even if it does, who are they going to sue? The creator of the emulator? Probably wouldn't do them much good...
Wasn't that GC emu perhaps being sold for money? Or including a bios or something like that?
Hehe GP32 == GP2X > PSP > GBA > XBox 360 :P

Two things wrong with that.

1) Anybody that can see or touch knows that a GP32 is NOT a GP2X. If it was, why would everyone be buying it if they already had a GP32?

2) GBA is a whole lot smaller than the Xbox 360, I know that because fitting an Xbox 360 in my pocket was a real pain.

I'm not sure about the size relation between the 2X and the PSP.
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really.. the gp2x and psp will have the same emus. there wont be any differents in some time.
emulation wise the psp is not better than the gp2x.

Correct, the PSP is worse. It's screen is a real flaw for emulation purpose. You have the choice, get the game stretched beyong compare or play with big black borders to the left and right. What a waste. Also the PSP resolution isn't that good for emulation, the gp2x native res of 320*240 is just perfect for any type of emulated machine and neo geo is godlike with it's native resolution on a nice 3,5" screen.

Second thought: Battery life! play 3-4 hours snes on your psp and load it up for another 3 hours or play 5 hours snes with your gp2x use your 2x2600Nimh spare batteries for $5 - and play anohter 5 hours. While with the PSP you would have to buy a batterypack für $40+. Not to mention the insane prices for Memorysticks, I got an Ultra SD 2Gb almost for the same price as a memorystick pro duo with 1GB...
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maybe a stupid question but... imagine that someone is able to get the source firmware/operation system/whatever of the GBA and made some changes to it (it's same brand of cpu i guess)... shouldn't it be possible to just run that firmware/os of the gba on the gp2x?

I'm a real newbie to the whole scene and was wondering if full GBA emulation is possible/likely with the GP2X? That would be more exciting to me than PSX

Should I wait a while until all the bugs are ironed out or order now?

• Maybe
• Depends; get one now, and you will be beta-testing early releases of emuators and other programs, upgrading your firmware, etc. You could wait, and have all the 'bugs' ironed out for you.
weren't there some legal problems with GBA emulation on zodiac?
nobody doubts it's both possible and likely, but it might be best if nobody's name were attached to it.