Forum Feedback

Without knowing how IPBoard works: This ought to be able to be saved on a per-user basis, no? I mean, it doesn't strike me as wildly implausible that one would want to go "Ok, so I want the Pandora boards and the Other board, but not Trading, in my "News" feed. Save preferences, there I go"-ish? Is there a plugin or something one could activate?
The view new content options let you filter by forum. You can go in and manually click everything but the stuff you don't want. People who don't want to read Pandora 2 Spam should be doing that. When I click "Show Results From All Forums" it should actually do that. Not yet sure if manually clicking it results in it showing up.
This is semantics and subjective, but IMO if you hide something from someone without telling them you're hiding it that constitutes as censorship. Even if there were still methods available to access the information. If you say you're doing it based on the quality of the content then that makes it look all the more like censorship. People tend to associate censorship with views that some party finds threatening or uncomfortable but it can apply to things that party finds annoying too.
I beg to differ, if that would be the case people would cry censorship all day long - it happens here already far too often. Censorship is about deliberatly removing information that can not be accessed afterwards or at least is hidden in such ways that you have little to none chance on accessing it.
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The view new content options let you filter by forum. You can go in and manually click everything but the stuff you don't want. People who don't want to read Pandora 2 Spam should be doing that. When I click "Show Results From All Forums" it should actually do that. Not yet sure if manually clicking it results in it showing up.
From what ED said, if you check the Pandora 2 Spam section, it should show up.

You made a point. I should have looked at how it was done, I though that ED had set the filter on "everything but pandora 2 spam" by default, not that "show everything" excluded pandora 2 spam. Now I understand why you're displeased.

EDIT: but I still think that most of the posts in this section are nonsense  :P
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EDIT: but I still think that most of the posts in this section are nonsense  :P
Not entirely.

Its currently a mixture of realistic comments of display, processor choices and nonsense involving flexible screens wrapping around the unit.
Looks like manually selecting the Pandora 2 spam forum still doesn't add it to the new posts list. I hope this gets undone soon...
...Although I do agree that it is a misfeature that selecting "All forums" doesn't give "all forums".
Yep, that's what I was I referring to, if you select Show all new posts in all forums(which is the default), it should do that. If it doesn't , to me that is censorship.  ie it has removed content from what you asked for without your knowledge -> Censorship.  

As Exophase said, we weren't even told about this change and it wasn't even put to a poll.


If people didn't want this , they should have used the customization facility to exclude P2 stuff. 

And for clarification , I had noticed this months back but didn't say anything as I hadn't known about this thread to report it in until yesterday. That said, I can understand how a lot of people didn't notice the issue, as the nature of the issue itself makes it more difficult to detect.
Hmm this one is interesting.

On one hand it is a private forum. As such there is no such thing as "censorship" in the classic Government sense.  The site owner can do as he/she likes. That is THEIR right as the owner.

But on the other hand , members sign up and agree to the site rules. So changing the site without a public announcement or maybe even a poll might be construed as a breach of the agreement since it is not the same site you actually signed up to.  The announcement or poll would give you the chance to either stay or leave based on the upcomng change.

Like I said hmmmm, and interesting topic.
Hmm this one is interesting.

On one hand it is a private forum. As such there is no such thing as "censorship" in the classic Government sense.  The site owner can do as he/she likes. That is THEIR right as the owner.

But on the other hand , members sign up and agree to the site rules. So changing the site without a public announcement or maybe even a poll might be construed as a breach of the agreement since it is not the same site you actually signed up to.  The announcement or poll would give you the chance to either stay or leave based on the upcomng change.

Like I said hmmmm, and interesting topic.
Censorship applies to private organisations also. It's meaning is not limited to governments.  It simply means suppressing/limiting information by a controlling body.  The site owner can do what they like, it's not  a mutually exclusive thing - ie it's still censorship right or wrong..

The rights or wrongs of which are left here to debate. 
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Hence why I said censorship "in the classic government sense".

Government censorship is problematic and highly debated because of the "rights" of the citizens, ie: freedom of speech.

There's no such thing as freedom of speech on a forum. You agree to obey the Rules of a forum. Those rules state what is allowed and is not allowed. So posts can/will be edited or removed if the Rules are broken. If a member doesn't like that the only freedom they have is the freedom to go to another forum. 

Forums live and die by the members, especially by the members being happy. That is why it is such a fine line to walk on which posts violate rules and should be edited or removed. If you do to much then members leave and the forum dies. You do to little and the forum loses it's purpose and structure and fails.

But censorship on a forum is not just unavoidable, it is a necessity. 
Umm, if it doesn't show up when you include it, it's not censorship but either a bug or a misconfiguration.

As said, that change has been made months ago (sometime last year), nothing has been changed since then.
Umm, if it doesn't show up when you include it, it's not censorship but either a bug or a misconfiguration.

As said, that change has been made months ago (sometime last year), nothing has been changed since then.
Can we have the bug fixed then please, ie if you select show all new post in all forums (as is the default) ,  can it please do whats expected.
Just undo whatever you did months ago. I don't know what the software allowed then but now it lets you exclude forums you don't want in the update list so there's no reason to universally exclude it.
I think that I fully understand now, why the OP Team wouldn't want any sort of "Pandora2" talk to perpetuate.  This needs to be on the "down low"...and I get why it's currently buried under other forums - it is labelled as "spam"'s hypothetical and counterproductive to the greater goal at the moment.  Do people think that they should WAIT for a better model?  That's folly.  There might never be a computer like this again....from these mavericks anyway.

Meaninglessness garbage within - Binky

A meteor might smash into the atmosphere, breaking apart, until it forms a small rock and smashes into my rectum.  I might be up on a fence trying to re-enact the famous horse-impaling, but maybe butt-stuff is funny.  I'm just really hoping for warning points.  I'm going to enjoy what I have.  A successful horse-dildo franchise and a great Pandora.  I'm guessing that some concerns would be that potential customers - that are on the fence - might hold off on a purchase of the current Pandora in hopes of a newer model if one would hear about it.  Let's name the next Pandora after a horse.  Like Pegasus or Black Beauty.  I hope that Black Beauty's cases aren't made in China.  They crack me up.

Looking back at the "history" 

Edit1:  Oooops, lost my mind again...thanks Binky!  I swear he's a great Moderator.
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About the repository automatically creating threads about new additions.

Yeah... It was a good idea, and I can see the value of it. I don't want to see them though. How come I can't block the "repository" user?

Or can I at least have those messages not appear in my news feed?
I would also love to be able to turn off the automatic repo feed posts.   I tried adding "repository" to my ignore list,  but that only hid the contents of the posts,  not the fact that they exist.    

While I think the idea may have been a good one to try I consider them to be a failed experiment.

- Neelix
edit: was just testing the @Mention feature, weren't sure what it was
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Does anyone else have a problem with accessing their private messages on the mobile theme on here?

I've tried on 2 dif phones past couple days and have problems..

Can click on Messages, then it shows the few links, for New or Conversations...

But I can't click through those links to view messages, I have to switch to desktop version of the forum.

Is this a known bug or only happening recently, only me?