Poll comments:
1) 101+ means PC-like keyboard + win keys etc.
2) 101 is standard old-style PC-keyboard (number pad etc., but no Win and menu keys)
3) netbook style (like EEE 701) -76 keys total - 27 letters+10 numbers+12 Fx keys, 11 other keys (~,-,=,{,},\,;,",<,>,?), 16 controls (Esc,break,ins,del,backspace,enter,tab,caps lock, 2xshift,Ctrl,2xalt,space,Win,Menu).
4) HPLX style - like HP 200 LX- 64 keys - 27 letters + 16 numeric pad (10 numbers + 6 math symbols (.,=,+,-,*,/) ), 10 Fx keys, 3 other keys ("\",",",".") , 11 controls (Esc, del, backspace.enter,tab,2x shift, Ctrl, alt, space, menu)
5) proposal #1 - 47 keys - as recent plus one key on the left from "Q", one on the right from "P" and one between "L" and "enter"
6) proposal #2 - 46 keys - as recent plus one key on the left from "Q" and one on the right from "P"
7) recent - 44 keys as depicted here - (27 letters, 10 numbers on top, shift, "<" and ">" on the left, enter, fn and space on the right, del top right)
The point of having 2 alts is usage of right alt as group select. I came to project just today and I do not know weather there is any way to modifications and I would like to hear other ideas. I am happy HP 200 LX user, I am just missing touchscreen and CPU power ... Unfortunately, being Czech, I need a lot of special character keys, which are available on proposal #1 (even I am still lacking "123456789" row, on Pandora it is far away for fast typing). I know that this is primarily gaming device, but I would be very happy to use it instead of my HPLX, if there were more keys on the keyboard. Yes, you *can* use dead keys (and I use them quote a lot), but it slows down typing speed dramatically.
Looking forward to comments
Georgius, Czech Republic
1) 101+ means PC-like keyboard + win keys etc.
2) 101 is standard old-style PC-keyboard (number pad etc., but no Win and menu keys)
3) netbook style (like EEE 701) -76 keys total - 27 letters+10 numbers+12 Fx keys, 11 other keys (~,-,=,{,},\,;,",<,>,?), 16 controls (Esc,break,ins,del,backspace,enter,tab,caps lock, 2xshift,Ctrl,2xalt,space,Win,Menu).
4) HPLX style - like HP 200 LX- 64 keys - 27 letters + 16 numeric pad (10 numbers + 6 math symbols (.,=,+,-,*,/) ), 10 Fx keys, 3 other keys ("\",",",".") , 11 controls (Esc, del, backspace.enter,tab,2x shift, Ctrl, alt, space, menu)
5) proposal #1 - 47 keys - as recent plus one key on the left from "Q", one on the right from "P" and one between "L" and "enter"
6) proposal #2 - 46 keys - as recent plus one key on the left from "Q" and one on the right from "P"
7) recent - 44 keys as depicted here - (27 letters, 10 numbers on top, shift, "<" and ">" on the left, enter, fn and space on the right, del top right)
The point of having 2 alts is usage of right alt as group select. I came to project just today and I do not know weather there is any way to modifications and I would like to hear other ideas. I am happy HP 200 LX user, I am just missing touchscreen and CPU power ... Unfortunately, being Czech, I need a lot of special character keys, which are available on proposal #1 (even I am still lacking "123456789" row, on Pandora it is far away for fast typing). I know that this is primarily gaming device, but I would be very happy to use it instead of my HPLX, if there were more keys on the keyboard. Yes, you *can* use dead keys (and I use them quote a lot), but it slows down typing speed dramatically.
Looking forward to comments
Georgius, Czech Republic