I'm working now on an improved version of mine - which is of course inspired a lot by your new design. Basically I just had a simple idea: the AltGr of 0-9 keys is not allocated. I could squeeze few extra symbols there:
I would strongly advise against doing that.
At the moment there is one common way of entering standard symbols, Fn-<key>. Adding AltGr to access regular printed characters on
some keys would significantly complicate text input; and you've only used it on two keys, so people would have to remember the exception rule for just those two cases. Granted, you could add more symbols, but there's plenty of room for AltGr symbols on the main keyboard too (with a lot more room for labeling if need be).
I'm still hesitating about my "merged" solution... After all sticky keys can also be used here(*). It could make things more complicated, but on the other hand it requires
only one change to my proposal: putting "," and "." beside the "Alt" and "Ctrl" labels.... I still don't know...
It's an interesting solution. Personally, I don't think I like it as much as your previous layout, as in "punctuation mode" you're left with two redundant fn keys so the gains are minimal. I think optimising the keyboard one way or the other is preferable.
Just curious; what does the Pause key get you (Fn-Start) that you couldn't get using Start alone? Does it have some system-level behaviour I'm not aware of? I would have thought any ported apps could just be modified to respond to Start instead of Pause, or even have Start use the Pause keycode.
On the poll:
Drop the first question, it's not very helpful.
2. Where do you want a Pandora logo button?
I wouldn't bother asking this one. According to MWeston, "Menu" is the only system-level key, so I think it's the only sensible choice to become a "Pandora" key. If you must ask the question, just make it "Do you want the Menu key to be labelled with the Pandora logo?", but it's a purely cosmetic choice regardless.
3. Can you agree to have ß, £, € and ¥ PRINTED on the keys? It would be an AltGr+Letter combination, for example: [Fn][Alt][P]=£.
Wasn't this answered in the first poll? Pretty much tied between "Don't use them but would accept labels", "Don't use them and don't want labels", and "Use them but don't want labels". I'd say go ahead and include the keys if you've got spare room, but don't rehash old questions.