Thanks omega5, the staic ip works, i can connect to internet now. As for emulators, I have GameBoid, GBCoid, Gensoid, Nesoid, Snesoid. The D-pad problem lies in Gensoid, Nesoid, Snesoid.
Thanks omega5, the staic ip works, i can connect to internet now. As for emulators, I have GameBoid, GBCoid, Gensoid, Nesoid, Snesoid. The D-pad problem lies in Gensoid, Nesoid, Snesoid.
Can you check whether the TrackBall option is enabled or not in the game(Gensoid, Nesoid, Snesoid) settings?
Trackball option seems to be making those stuck-problem of D-pad.
Thanks omega5, the staic ip works, i can connect to internet now. As for emulators, I have GameBoid, GBCoid, Gensoid, Nesoid, Snesoid. The D-pad problem lies in Gensoid, Nesoid, Snesoid.
If you mean the control scheme for the dpad you can fix that by mimicing the xml file file from nesoid. Use droid explorer get access to the xml files. I believe it's under the data folder.