Firmware 1.4.0 Features


Jan 11, 2006
USA... I feel lonely, not that many people from US
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I'm just going to make a list of things I noticed.
  • Battery Light Indicator now works. It basically turns on when the GP2X would say "EMPTY"
  • There is now a built in LCD tweaker under settings. It isn't very advanced, but hey, they're trying
  • It looks like it boots a little faster
  • Movie player sync and DIVX 3 color issues fixed (it seems). It looks like when it gets out of sync, it resyncs itself.
And that's about it.

Battery life seems uneffected.

No idea on anything else...

And no, I will not give it out, either through PM or whatever. Sorry.

Edit: Just realized how bad of an idea this was. *runs and hides from the onslaught of PMs
yeah, great idea.
the I-have-something-you-don't-have thread.
great scene here, too.

this 'release system' is beginning to anger me.
Yeah man ... what was the point of this thread? It smacks of "nya nya, I've go the FW and you don't" :lol:

Anyway, I got it and tried out the LCD utility; I used the settng to the left. Better, but not perfect.
k so if i make a shitty change will it be redoable in hte next firmware and can i preview the changes before i apply them?
you know what. I'm upset.
I'm not in the 1.4.0 'in' crowd, and I'm sick of sitting around on an IRC channel trying to be.

I expect that this 'release' wasn't supposed to go this way, but it did. I also understand the idea of a responsible limited release, however I don't think anybody had *anything* like this in mind when they bought a system from gph. How is this good for our scene? And how long before this is fixed?
it was meant to be for beta testers but people leaked the info and now tons of people have it and people shouldnt feel left out or anything like that because people were not supposed to know about it on this level i think.
I assume the source got released as well...

This is reminding me of the good old days; private releases of Raine, leaked beta's of Impact, an NGPC emu called rape that actually worked etc...
it was meant to be for beta testers but people leaked the info and now tons of people have it
and people shouldnt feel left out or anything like that because...
I split those two thoughts up, because the logic baffles me. as I see it, I'm *supposed* to feel left out right now. As you said, tons of people have it, and I do not.

[reality]people with the magical firmware, seem to be making a special point to rub the rest of our noses in it because, at this exact moment, we cannot get this software through legitimate channels creating a scarcity--which gives some people huge chubbies.[/reality]

now the rest of us are supposed to run around polishing doorknobs until we stumble across a copy. while I do see your initial point, it hardly fits within the [reality] tags. Generally betas fall into two categories: open and closed. What we have here is an "open but you can't play right now, ha ha I'm better, and you're stupid" beta. Just ask Xisiqomelir up there. I'm just waiting to hear somebody say that the 1.4.0 firmware is so perfect that it gives massages on the weekends.
what the hell? people are COMPLAINING about this now too? geesh.

1.4 was released as beta so a handful of people could see if a) it bricked their gp2x and B) find all and any bugs so they can be reported and fixed before everything gets publically released. There was no source with the beta that I saw, it was just to give it a quick real world test and do some serious bug hunting.

This post was obviously made to show what features you can expect to see in the future, not to say "neh neh nehneh nehhhhhhhhh" and if you see it like that, well, you're a tit :/

What IS "neh neh nehneh nehhhhhhhh" is all the people who lately have taken to not just encouraging people to donate to us devs but writing who and the exact amount they have already donated too "oh look at me, i've donated all this money, I art holier than thou" - blah to double standards >.>

Either way sit tight and dont see this firmware beta as an insult. Its ultimatly for YOUR own good and will help to ensure you get a solid, decent, product that doesnt randomly brick your hardware.
Reaperman93010 posted on Feb 7 2006 at 07:50 AM said:
What we have here is an "open but you can't play right now, ha ha I'm better, and you're stupid" beta.
I think what we have here is a "closed but i'm giving it to my mates, oops I gave it to a lamer who bragged about it" beta

I wouldn't worry about it, it doesnt offer enough for me to want it enough to hunt it down (im still on 1.2.0), and yes I do hang out on irc, just not enough to become one of the elite no-social-life'rs and i stopped running bots years ago (funny how getting married changes the things you find important).
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Reaperman93010 posted on Feb 7 2006 at 03:50 AM said:
[reality]we cannot get this software through legitimate channels creating a scarcity--which gives some people huge chubbies.[/reality]

it seems like if you want it, all you have to do is go to #gp2xdev and ask for it, hardly anything illegitimate about that. not that i've tried, i'd rather wait for a release...then at least if i brick it was on official firmware. gph decided not to do a public release and are beta testing instead...and people are tyring to respect their wishes by not hosting it via http, but again, it isn't as if irc is seedy or something.

ok, irc is seedy. but still. it's not a big deal. if you want it, go download it.
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