Firmware 1.4.0 Features

Usually, GPH release the firmware to the public first, judge their reactions, and then spend months fixing the problem. UNFORTUNATELY they can't do it this time, so they send it to a few beta testers first, which gives them time to fix the firmware. This leaked, and isn't really something special. I mean, come on. They're going to release a BETTER firmware soon! With source!

So why you crying 'bout a beta, eh? I'd wait for it to be perfect before having it, elitism be damned, I hate upgrading.
Sephnroth posted on Feb 7 2006 at 06:56 PM said:
What IS "neh neh nehneh nehhhhhhhh" is all the people who lately have taken to not just encouraging people to donate to us devs but writing who and the exact amount they have already donated too "oh look at me, i've donated all this money, I art holier than thou" - blah to double standards >.>

Wasn't that in the bible or something :lol:
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for a moment there i was thinking finally theyve released the damned firmware only to be dismaid
Personaly I wouldn't mind seeing this release just out of curiosities sake.

However, it's still a bit of a p*** take to say it was only released to certain people for beta testing, when the 8k plus people who've allready got a GP2X have all been beta testing all previuos releases AND paying for the pleasure of it.

GPH seriously need to employ someone who know's anything about professionalism.

Posting that this firmware was out for 'testing' by the limted few is only going to get peoples backs up and smacks of 'GP2X user baiting'. :(
Khatoblepas posted on Feb 7 2006 at 08:10 AM said:
I'd wait for it to be perfect before having it, elitism be damned, I hate upgrading.
LOL @ perfect! It won't be perfect till we throw it away and all use a scene written one :)

And you are unusual in this boards demographic if you hate upgrading. Most here are early adopters, if you are the type of person who preorders a gp2x you want the latest and greatest now, early adopters hate to have something denied to them. The OP should know this, it was a very dumb thing to post.
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absolute nonsense. what needs to happen is the USER BASE needs to get an idea about generic procedure in the dev world! Beta tests are common! Anyone getting upset because a beta is released needs to go make like an emu and stick their head in the sand incase they actually realise that pretty much any software they use was betaed!

Also, people complain when they have no information, dont know whats going on and have no idea whats coming. "Why arnt we told anything? Whats going on? GPH need to employ someone who knows anything about professionalism."

so.. a feature list is given by a helpful user to let everyone else know whats going on and what they can expect.
"you're just rubbing our noses in it! this is unfair! GPH need to employ someone who knows anything about professionalism."

yes well, point made I think. Incidently, a few of you might care to join the irc dev channel with your eyes open.
Oh come on people.

1) This release was intended for devs to test on anyway, and probably has more bugs than the old ones. People complain about the firmware releases having bugs, but if GPH tries to do a devs-only release to get bugs out beforehand people whine about it.
2) It really isn't hard to get. Really. It's almost sickeningly easy to get, and I'm afraid that the GPL'ers are going to come and start complaining now because it is so easy to get. No, you won't find it on any of the firmware sites, but there are several threads around here that tell you exactly where to get it, if you really are so determined.
Sephnroth posted on Feb 7 2006 at 12:30 AM said:
Incidently, a few of you might care to join the irc dev channel with your eyes open.
that's more of what I was expecting. topic set an hour ago.

gph is backwards and annoying. this whole topic is lies. Lies about 'betas' lies about releases. This isn't what a free homebrew console is supposed to be. Let me sum up my gph feelings tonight: I'm going to test my system and my gp2x had better do exactly *EVERYTHING* the official gp2x specsheet says it does. You know what, I think I'll downgrade to the firmware it came with before I try it. 6 hrs of video, eh?

I think it would take quite a lot before I'm anything less than angry with this company/system/scheme/scene.
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Sounds like a good idea to beta test it with a few users, I don't want to brick my GP2X thanks - so give it to people who can actually unbrick theirs if it goes wrong. The features sound underwhelming anyway - I get the impression that the LCD tweaker isn't a match for the one made by Hermes already in December. Sigh.

I just hope that GPH/DS dont use this an illegitimate channel to release new firmware, so that they don't have to hurry about complying with the GPL.
So let me get this straight - GPH release firmwares that are buggy and get given a load of shit for not testing, so they then decide to run a test before releasing the next version and they get given shit for not making it publicly available :blink:

I feel really sorry for GPH at the minute. The poor fuckers just can't win.
woogal posted on Feb 7 2006 at 08:03 PM said:
So let me get this straight - GPH release firmwares that are buggy and get given a load of shit for not testing, so they then decide to run a test before releasing the next version and they get given shit for not making it publicly available :blink:

I feel really sorry for GPH at the minute. The poor fuckers just can't win.

Haha, well they could have kept the beta testing a secret so that we don't all feverishly crave it.
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Empyre posted on Feb 7 2006 at 03:27 AM said:
And you are unusual in this boards demographic if you hate upgrading. Most here are early adopters, if you are the type of person who preorders a gp2x you want the latest and greatest now, early adopters hate to have something denied to them.

Normally, you'd have a point... unfortunately, with the flaky upgrade system and all, it's not so much a matter of "This Firmware breaks GP Ladykiller and reduces battery life by 20%!" as it is "My $200 handheld unit is now slightly less useful than an old brick-sized Game Boy with a cracked screen." That's why I still can't bring myself to upgrade.

Software bugs I can deal with. Destroying the unit is another matter entirely.
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Am I really the only person on these boards with a bit of patience?

Let the beta testers find the bugs and then reap the rewards. How many of you are running the windows vista beta? That's on bittorrent and windows hasn't been updated for about 6 years (service packs don't really count for an OS).

Hell, I'm still on firmware 1.1.0 because since updating to that my screen has looked simply beautiful and I don't want to install something that will mess with the timing and / or brightness until I have better control over it.

I'm sure we'll see it soon enough, and hopefully with less bugs this time because of the community involvement.
Don't misunderstand my previous post, i'm all for beta testing and have worked for a company that did this a lot - but.... beta software was only issued to people who had signed a test agreement - and part of the agreement was to keep it to themselves.

I would think it would be easy for GPH to set up a beta testing forum / site where these firmwares could be posted and people could register /download and report any faults or improvements.

I hope to christ that someone on /. doesn't get hold of this cos they'll twist this to make it look like a new firmware was leaked and therefore source wasn't required to be issued.

I know this is a difficult one for GPH but I stand by my statement that they need to be more professional about these things.

I honestly want GPH to get it right, I've got two of these units and love em both, but this situation is getting annoying to me.
Sephnroth posted on Feb 7 2006 at 02:56 AM said:
1.4 was released as beta so a handful of people could see if a) it bricked their gp2x and B) find all and any bugs so they can be reported and fixed before everything gets publically released.

If its a "private" beta, it should be kept private. But regardless...

Either way sit tight and dont see this firmware beta as an insult. Its ultimatly for YOUR own good and will help to ensure you get a solid, decent, product that doesnt randomly brick your hardware. of the things I love most about OPEN source is the OPENNESS. If they wanted to do the "private betas" they shouldve gone with WinCE. Here in the Linux world ANYONE can be a beta tester.
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well at least he told us whats new, i know ppl that got firmware and didnt want to say 1 word for pm