Finding a proper name and logo :)

pmprog: Within a language, save for english, it so far seems to be unambiguous. Between languages I'd wager you simply can't find a name that would be pronounced the same.
Not sure I agree with that. Pandora seems pretty consistant, I imagine DraStic, DOSBox, Gameboy, Dragon all have a consistant pronunciation (even if they have minor accent inflections).
Either way, I still dislike Pyragon. That said, it's not my choice...
Well, they're similar to a degree, but not identical. For instance in finnish the "Pa-" is pronounced like "park", not like "pants" and "-dor-" short like in "dorothy", not like in "Amulet of Yendor".

Now I'm stretching it, though, so I'll just drop this line of bickering and agree that it is more ambiguous than "Pandora" between languages (though still not ambiguous enough to cause problems, IMO). :P

You are entitled to an opinion, I won't try and change nor disrespect that. A matter of taste :)
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If the name of the successor has "dragon" or something related in it, I think it makes sense to have claws in the logo.

What about claws ripping through the current pandora logo ?
There are at least 9 ways I have heard people pronounce Linux:

- Lee-necks

- Lie-necks

- Lin-necks

- Lee-nooks

- Lie-nooks

- Lin-nooks

- Lee-nuhks

- Lie-nuhks

- Lin-nuhks

There are also many potential spellings if you don't know how to spell it: "Linux", "Lynux", "Linnux", "Leenucks", "Lienuks", and so on.

Still I have not heard too many complaints about the name "Linux" sucking because of its horrendous ambiguity.

Spelling/pronunciation ambiguity is not that important. Most people will learn about the device by clicking on some link anyway, not by overhearing some gossip at a bus stop and randomly trying URLs afterwards :)
Not a fan of Pyragon either, just doesn't appeal to me at all.

My vote is for EDs suggestion of DragonBox still.
Still I have not heard too many complaints about the name "Linux" sucking because of its horrendous ambiguity
I have heard/seen numerous arguements about it's pronunciation though. I guess that's almost the same.
There are at least 9 ways I have heard people pronounce Linux:

- Lee-necks

- Lie-necks

- Lin-necks

- Lee-nooks

- Lie-nooks

- Lin-nooks

- Lee-nuhks

- Lie-nuhks

- Lin-nuhks

There are also many potential spellings if you don't know how to spell it: "Linux", "Lynux", "Linnux", "Leenucks", "Lienuks", and so on.

Still I have not heard too many complaints about the name "Linux" sucking because of its horrendous ambiguity.

Spelling/pronunciation ambiguity is not that important. Most people will learn about the device by clicking on some link anyway, not by overhearing some gossip at a bus stop and randomly trying URLs afterwards :)

(It's my smallest netbook like ... thing anyway)

I always present it as my mini computer.

It's boring and has no personality, so better don't use it.

MiniMi sounds nintendoish,

MiniTau (possible),


Mini + Linux = Minux?
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Or how about mixing two cool names together?
Dragonbox + Myriad

Dragonbox Myriad           or

Myriad Dragonbox

I still find that Myriad is a cool name. :)
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(It's my smallest netbook like ... thing anyway)

I always present it as my mini computer.

It's boring and has no personality, so better don't use it.

MiniMi sounds nintendoish,

MiniTau (possible),


Mini + Linux = Minux?
Minux sounds also good.
Ok, listen, Minux-Swat has spoken :P .





Why isn't Drakon enough for you.

The "iad" and "don" part is unnecessary.

For me it's still Dracon vs Pyragon.
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Dracon reminds me too much of unpleasant chaps like Draco and Dracula. Also it has no reference at all to Pandora, only to dragon and console. I'm not a big fan of the word "console" either, because it kind of implies "gaming only" in my mind, while it's going to be a full-fledged computer.

Pyragon and Pyra are still the top runners for me.
Dracon just reminds me of:
Tracon, an RPG/anime/manga convention held a few kilometers from where I live

and this guy


and this guy


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