Release FileZilla


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
You can find here :

FileZilla, the FTP Solution.

It is useabe on the pandor except for the smal screen.

Remove all the toolbars you don't need, change layout (widescreen works better than the default one).

History log


Build 08

  • Based on 3.21.0 sources
  • Updates all libs
Build 07

  • Based on 3.14.0 sources
  • Updates all libs
  • Reduce font size, making the app more usable on Pandora screen
Build 06

  • Based on 3.11.1 sources
  • Using latest wxWidgets 3.0.2
Build 05

  • Based on sources
  • Using latest wxWidgets 3.0.1
Build 04

  • Updated to latest stable version 3.7.0
Build 03

  • Added screenshots to PND
Build 02

  • Corrected the PND so it actualy start.
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Because of the size of screen, it is advised to go to Edit | Settings menu and change the view to widescreen for example.
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Well, once i had to do something with filezilla because it was the only one to get that feature, but i don't remember which one ^^.

Alas, when I attempt to start it, i am informed thusly:

filezilla: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
That's it, corrected the PND. Sorry for this, I am still learning the Packaging for the Pandora, always forgetting something...

So, get Build 2 in the repo, it should work now !
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Okay, all seems well. I'll try using it when I get home, since I can't access work's network with unapproved devices. It starts up okay though.

I should probably practice some PND packaging myself, since I might actually have something to pack and distribute eventually.
Ah, It's obvious you are a better tester than me <_< .

I find packaging a bit hard for two main reasons :

1. The PXML.xml is a little obscure. And the script helps only on software you compile with ./configure and so on... For personal creation, it's not that helpfull.

2. You don't really see the packaging result (screenshot for example, or PXML rendering) before you upload it to the repo. May be I missed something, but even previewing with PNDManager for example is not satisfying.

Anyway, I will be glad to test your production :) . I greatly appreciate the time you take testing.
Thank you so much!! This one is very useful to me :) (I used the pandebian version previously...)
New release, using latest sources. But because previous version was 3.9 and not 3.09, it may not appear as an update in PND Manager...

Build 06

  • Based on 3.11.1 sources
  • Using latest wxWidgets 3.0.2
New build. I found a way to start with a smaller font, making it more usable on the small Pandora screen.

Build 07

  • Based on 3.14.0 sources
  • Updates all libs
  • Reduce font size, making the app more usable on Pandora screen
New build on the repo. To test the new build of wxWidget 3.0.2 with gcc 6.2, I compiled some fresh sources of Filezilla :)

Build 08

  • Based on 3.21.0 sources
  • Updates all libs
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