Few questions before ordering


Still Fresh
Feb 16, 2012
Brisbane, Australia
Hey guys, I have a few questions for you. I'm about to place my order, and... I wouldn't call them doubts, more, questions than anything... even if it the answers 'no', I'll still end up buying it anyway. However, because the Pandora is Linux based, I'm under the impression that I'd be able to install any Linux package, providing it has the required resources to run it, is this correct? After doing some reading, I don't think this is true. The only reason I ask, is because I play this game, "Tibia" the graphics aren't state of the art at all, and would easily play on the pandora, the only problem would be having to remap the keys used, I'm sure this wouldn't be hard. However, it's not open source, but is available on linux and windows. With this in mind, could I install it on the pandora and change the keys around somehow? I understand that it could be ported over to a pnd if it were open source. This is more of a luxury than an necessity, and would most likely distract me from Uni more than anything else, but I dream of being able to play it on the Pandora, would be quite epic!

That being said, I plan on using this beast alot at Uni. Taking notes (if I do) recording lectures, reading lecture notes (pdf), scouting through the terminal to delete some tables in my database that my website that I'm using screwed up. My question is, are there any useful programs made for students? I'm also under the impression that I'm able to use a SSH client of some description? I'll also use .PDF and powerpoint slides, a nice GUI application for development would also be cool, but not necessary as I'd use my laptop for developing stuff. Just more of a "Oh I just thought of this" and flop out my.... Pandora. Rather than pulling out a laptop.

My next question, about gaming, I LOVE Tibia, honest to god it's probably the best game i've ever played, and if anyone else has played this I'm sure you'd agree, it's quite addicting. So i'm wondering if there are any Pandora ports of similar sorts of RPG's. I've searched through the forums and found several games that I'm going to try when I eventually get mine, but would like to know if anyone knows of any specifically.

I've been reading about the ordering process and people still waiting for theirs, but I'm able to order one from the UK from Icontrolpad.com and receive it (if paying for premium postage) within 2 days? Does that mean, I could be holding my pandora within 1 week? Or is this another way to preorder. I'm just trying to get a crystal clear understanding, I don't want to pay my $500 and end up waiting for 3 months while another shipment or whatever comes in. If this is the case that I'm able to get it within 1 week, why am I able to do this, but people are still waiting for theirs from pre ordering 2 years ago?

Many thanks for the your responses.

**EDIT** I'm also curious as to the different classes of SD cards, on the ithica website they had (due early may) class 16 SD cards? On the bay (ebay) I can get 32gb class 10 cards for 20$. Better to get higher class than lower obviously? Higher read speeds? Are there any other benefits?
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The only thing I can say is that being a linux game does not warrant the option for playing on the pandora. Mostly because the pandora uses an ARM proccessor and that uses a completely different language as an normal PC (x86) proccessor. So in order for tibia to run in probably needs more than just mapping some keys. There are talented porters here but without a source code porting is not possible.

SSH, PDF are no problem.

But you wont be holding a pandora in a week, I am not sure what the actual time will be but it will be longer than a week. And it would be far less than 2 years. You could look on ebay or in the trade section here on the forums for a second hand pandora than you have a guarantee to get it in your hands soon.

Other thing as far as I know there is no MMORPG on the pandora yet
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So what would be a realistic timeframe for me to be holding the beast?

2 Months ;)

Sorry couldn't resist, one thing about the Pandora project is that there has never been an accurate estimate as to how long delivery will take*, though hopefully that might change soon.

* The initial estimate for delivery time for people ordering in 2009 was 2 months, I believe there are still some people waiting now who ordered in 2009.

EDIT : IMHO how ever long it takes it's worth the wait.
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If you pre-order now and pay as soon as you get the mail asking you to, chances are that it will be shipped within about 1 month. At least that's what I got, and I pre-ordered in April. If production speeds up as planned, it will be more like 2-3 weeks.

About Tibia: perhaps you should ask the Tibia devs to either release the source code, or release a binary for ARM (which preferably works at a screen res of 800x480).

SD card class is the "guaranteed" read/write speed in MB/sec. Class 6 or higher should be enough; even class 4 is probably enough if you don't intend to write a lot (since read speeds are usually >10MB/s even for class 4 cards). Higher is obviously better, but some fast SD cards seem to cause problems, so to be safe, you better check http://pandorawiki.org/SDHC_compatibility_list
I haven't been paying close attention at all lately so forgive me but I thought the production in Germany was humming along at like 150 Pandora's a week since late February. So are most of those pandoras still going to back orders?
However, because the Pandora is Linux based, I'm under the impression that I'd be able to install any Linux package, providing it has the required resources to run it, is this correct?

The short answer is "no, but many can be ported". Keep reading for the long answer.

In compiled languages such as C and C++, which are commonly used by game developers and other software developers (the reasons are somewhere between tradition, performance, and in the case of proprietary programs, difficulty of reverse-engineering), a program has to be compiled into what is called a binary, which contains machine code. Machine code only works on a particular platform; for example, if you compile an x86 binary (most common, since x86 or x86-compatible processors are usually used for PCs), you can't run it on an ARM processor. Since the Pandora uses an ARM processor, any x86 (usually i386) binary will not work on it.

There are three other sides, though:

First off, if a program's source code is available and the license for the software allows recompilation and redistribution (e.g. a free software or open source license), the program can be easily recompiled on the Pandora, assuming cross-platform, open libraries (such as SDL) are used. OpenGL presents a particular challenge, because OpenGLES (what the Pandora has) differs from OpenGL, but software that uses OpenGL can still be ported (it just takes some more effort, unless there's already a GLES version of the program created by the original authors).

Second, if the program cannot be ported by a third party because the software is proprietary, but it uses libraries that are cross-platform and open or at least can be made to work on the Pandora, the original author of the software can port it. Something like this happened with VVVVVV, Aurora Rift 32X, and PolloPollo. The only difficulty with this, then, is convincing the author to port it (or permit someone else to port it, which is what happened with VVVVVV).

Third, if the program is platform-independent, e.g. written in an interpreted language such as Python or Java that can run on the Pandora, then free or proprietary, the program will usually be able to run on the Pandora, provided that it is not too much for the Pandora. (As an aside, when I say "Java", I am talking about normal Java programs usually in .jar files. I am NOT talking about applets, i.e. Java programs embedded in web pages; those don't work, AFAIK.)
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On the bay (ebay) I can get 32gb class 10 cards for 20$. Better to get higher class than lower obviously? Higher read speeds? Are there any other benefits?

This is where Prometheus usually swoops in - be warned, ebay is a major source of 'fake', counterfeit, or non-existent SD cards. Better to play safe and buy from a reputable dealer where you have some comeback, and at least initially for your 'mission critical' stuff, go for a brand with a good track record on the Pandora. I've a stack of Class 4 sandisk cards of various capacities, never give any trouble and write speed is fine for everything I do with it.
On the bay (ebay) I can get 32gb class 10 cards for 20$. Better to get higher class than lower obviously? Higher read speeds? Are there any other benefits?

This is where Prometheus usually swoops in - be warned, ebay is a major source of 'fake', counterfeit, or non-existent SD cards. Better to play safe and buy from a reputable dealer where you have some comeback, and at least initially for your 'mission critical' stuff, go for a brand with a good track record on the Pandora. I've a stack of Class 4 sandisk cards of various capacities, never give any trouble and write speed is fine for everything I do with it.
You beat me to it!

As Asmo stated above, please don't buy flash-media from eBay - it really is just asking for trouble.

I did a write-up relating to this here, if you have the time to read it. If you don't (and even if you do), Asmo's advice above is dead-on.
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Wow thanks guys. I got onto reading that article after I posted and decided to get my cards from my local computer shop for 33$. I was just trying to be a tight arse. I was also able to confirm those cards on the compatability list.

I placed my order for a pandora last night. So naturally, I had dreams about it all night. I'm getting pretty excited now. Will buy my sd cards when I get the email that its shipped, then I just wont be able to sleep. Unfortunately, I think this will be just before exam time lol.

I'm also curious about developing for the pandora. My programming skills aren't anything special at the moment, however I would love to use the pandora to develop these. I have no doubt I can get support from you guys. I'm just wondering what languages I can use? Java, python and c++? Any others? As I've only written applications for the pc and one for iphone. I'm not very familiar with developing for handhelds. Is there anything I should know?

Thanks all for your responses. I appreciate them all

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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I'm just wondering what languages I can use? Java, python and c++? Any others?

All those work on the Pandora. Python 2.6 is included along with Pygame 1.9. OpenJDK can be downloaded from the Repo. GCC, make, etc are not included in the OS, but available in a collection of C/C++ developer tools.

Basically, any language you'd want to use will probably work.
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I'm just wondering what languages I can use? Java, python and c++? Any others?

All those work on the Pandora. Python 2.6 is included along with Pygame 1.9. OpenJDK can be downloaded from the Repo. GCC, make, etc are not included in the OS, but available in a collection of C/C++ developer tools.

Basically, any language you'd want to use will probably work.

I even got ReXX working on the Pandora, but I doubt anyone would want to program in it.. never did catch on outside of IBM.. Maybe if there is interest I'll push it up to the repo...
Well I guess interest enough.. I'll push it up to the repo. I think all I need to do is clean up the PXML..