sam fisher
Well-Known Member
just ignore the people who don't like shiny boxes.
Word.DemonStar55 posted on Jul 29 2004 at 08:48 PM said:will I still get my shiny box??
Really great ideasmattmagoo posted on Jul 29 2004 at 09:49 PM said:BTW, u will also be able to d/load the mag, but there would be extras on the SMC
plus according to Mark: 'People like shiny boxes'
and u get a 32Mb SMC, u may also be able to have the otion of getting a 64mb or 128mb for a little extra (£10 for 64mb, bout £17.50 for 128mb, which is still a very good deal)
oddly enuff finty, 8mb is more expensive than 32mb
but just to clear it up, we aint making a profit
we will hold competitions (similar to GPM's) but for prizes with relatively high value (if we get enuff peopl)
Mark posted on Jul 30 2004 at 08:56 AM said:Me, Matt Dozer and Spray (whose we havn't really had a chance to talk to yet, so hes missed out upon this) will have to talk about this, we need a clearer vision.
I'll do my best to get the box in some way shape or form.
what about selling the SMC idea every 2 months with a collated version of the last 4 issues (if it's fortnightly) + extras?? then it would have much more content and be nicer to have.....