Fba2x - Finalburn Alpha Beta 6 Released

Has anyone been able to get Aero Fighter or Battle Bakraid to work? The roms load but after that it kicks me back to the gp2x screen. Also I tried Sonic Wings 2 and 3 and they seem to have the sound issue that plagues them in GNGEO2x as well. Does anyone else have these issues? This is an amazing release though. Playing most of the Raizing games and Cave games on the go is amazing. Thanks again HeadoverHeels for continuing this project. Thanks Squidge for starting this project.
I couldn't get Bakraid to work either. Have you been able to get Battle Garegga to work? Now I'd love to play that one, I can tell you!

What other Raizing games have you managed to get working?
Compatibility List for FBA2X Beta 6:

The ROM sets tested were formatted using ClrMame Pro to the correct sets used by FB Alpha v0.2.96.72. There might be some errors as FBA2X sometimes reject ROMs even if they are working; a restart of the GP2X is necessary. Please notify me if there are errors, as well as typos. :D


x Air Gallet (agallet)
o Dangun Feveron (dfeveron, feversos)
o DonPachi (donpachi, donpachk, donpacjp, donpackr)
o DoDonPachi (ddonpach, ddonpchj)
!o ESP Ra.De. (esprade, espradej, espradeo) <- missing 3rd button
o Gaia Crusaders (gaia)
!o Guwange (guwange) <- visual glitches
o Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (sailormn, sailormo)
o Thunder Heroes (theroes)
o Puzzle Uo Poko (uopoko, uopokoj)


o Armed Police Batrider (batrider, batridra, batridrk)
o` Batsugun (batsugun, batsugna, batugnsp)
x Battle Bakraid (bbakraid, bbakradu)
o Battle Garegga (bgaregga, bgaregcn, bgareghk, bgaregnv, bgaregt2)
!o` Dogyuun (dogyuun) <- missing 3rd button
o Hellfire (hellfire, hellfir1, hellfir2)
o` Knuckle Bash (kbash)
o Mahou Daisakusen (mahoudai, sstriker, sstrikra)
o Shippu Mahou Daisakusen - Kingdom Grandprix (shippumd, kingdmgp)
o Out Zone (outzone, outzonea, outzoneb, outzonec)
o Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves (snowbro2)
o` Teki Paki (tekipaki)
o Truxton (truxton)
o Truxton II (truxton2)
o` V-five (vfive, grindsta, grindstm)
o Zero Wing (zerowing)


o 1941 - Counter Attack (1941, 1941j)
o Three Wonders (3wonders, 3wonderu, wonder3)
o Captain Commando (captcomm, captcomj, captcomu)
o Carrier Air Wing (cawing, cawingj, cawingr1, cawingu)
o Capcom World 2 (cworld2j)
o Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (dino, dinoj, dinou)
o Dynasty Wars (dynwar, dynwarj)
o Final Fight (ffight, ffightj, ffightj1, ffightu, ffightua)
!o Forgotten Worlds (forgottn, lostwrld) <- missing (spinner) rotation controls
o Ghouls'n Ghosts (ghouls, daimakai, ghoulsu)
o Knights of the Round (knights, knightsj, knightsu)
o The King of Dragons (kod, kodj, kodu)
o Mega Man - The Power Battle (megaman, rockmanj)
o Mercs (mercs, mercsj, mercsu, mercsua)
o Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (msword, mswordj, mswordr1, mswordu)
o Mega Twins (mtwins, chikij)
o Nemo (nemo, nemoj)
o Pang! 3 (pang3, pang3j)
o Pnickies (pnickj)
o The Punisher (punisher, punishrj, punishru)
o Quiz & Dragons (qad, qadj, qtono2)
o Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (sf2, sf2eb, sf2j, sf2ja, sf2jc, sf2ua, sf2ub, sf2ud, sf2ue, sf2uf, sf2ui, sf2uk)
o Street Fighter II` - Champion Edition (sf2ce, sf2accp2, sf2cej, sf2ceua, sf2ceua, sf2ceub, sf2ceuc, sf2koryu, sf2m2, sf2m4, sf2m5, sf2m6, sf2m7, sf2rb, sf2rb2, sf2red, sf2v004, sf2yyc)
o Street Fighter II` - Hyper Fighting (sf2hf, sf2t, sf2tj)
o Street Fighter Zero (sfzch, sfach)
o Saturday Night Slam Masters (slammast, mbomberj, mbombrd, mbombrdj, slammasu)
o Strider (strider, striderj, stridrja, stridrua)
o U.N. Squadron (unsquad, area88)
o Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (varth, varthj, varthr1, varthu)
o Willow (willow, willowj, willowje)
o Warriors of Fate (wof, wofa, wofj, wofu)


x 1944 - The Loop Master (1944, 1944j)
o 19XX - The War Against Destiny (19xx, 19xxa, 19xxb, 19xxh, 19xxj, 19xxjr1)
x Armored Warriors (armwar, armwara, armwarr1, armwaru, pgear, pgearr1)
o Alien vs Predator (avsp, avspa, avsph, avspj, avspu)
o Battle Circuit (batcir, batcira, batcirj)
o Choko (choko)
o Capcom Sports Club (csclub, cscluba, csclubh, csclubj)
x Cyberbots - Fullmetal Madness (cybots, cybotsj, cybotsu)
x Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow over Mystara (ddsom, ddsoma, ddsomb, ddsomj, ddsomjr1, ddsomr1, ddsomr2, ddsomr3, ddsomu, ddsomur1)
o Dungeons & Dragons - Tower of Doom (ddtod, ddtoda, ddtodh, ddtodj, ddtodjr1, ddtodr1, ddtodu, ddtodur1)
!o Dimahoo (dimahoo) <- missing 3rd button
x Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors (dstlk, dstlka, dstlku, dstlkur1, vampj, vampja, vampjr1)
o Eco Fighters (ecofghtr, ecofghta, ecofghtu, uecology)
o Giga Wing (gigawing, gwinga, gwingj)
x Hyper Street Fighter 2: The Anniversary Edition (hsf2, hsf2j)
o Jyangokushi -Haoh no Saihai- (jyangoku)
o Mega Man 2 - The Power Fighters (megaman2, megamn2a, rckman2j)
x Mars Matrix (mmatrix, mmatrixj)
o Mighty! Pang (mpang, mpangj)
x Marvel Super Heroes (msh, msha, mshb, mshh, mshj, mshj, mshjr1, mshu)
x Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (mshvsf, mshvsfa, mshvsfa1, mshvsfb, mshvsfb1, mshvsfh, mshvsfj, mshvsfj1, mshvsfj2, mshvsfu, mshvsfu1)
x Marvel vs Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes (mvsc, mvsca, mvscar1, mvscb, mvsch, mvscj, mvscjr1, mvscu)
x Night Warriors - Darkstalkers' Revenge (nwarr, nwarrb, nwarrh, nwarru, vhuntj, vhuntjr1, vhuntjr2)
o Progear (progear, progeara, progearj)
o Puzz Loop 2 (pzloop2, pzloop2j)
o Quiz Nanairo Dreams - Nijiirochou no Kiseki (qndream)
x Ring of Destruction (ringdest, smbomb, smbombr1)
o Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors's Dreams (sfa, sfar1, sfar2, sfar3, sfau, sfza, sfzb, sfzbr1, sfzh, sfzj, sfzjr1, sfzjr2)
x Street Fighter Alpha 2 (sfa2, sfz2a, sfz2b, sfz2br1, sfz2h, sfz2j, sfz2n)
x Street Fighter Alpha 3 (sfa3, sfa3b, sfa3r1, sfz3a, sfz3ar1, sfz3j, sfz3jr1, sfz3jr2)
x Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (sfz2aa, sfz2ab, sfz2ah, sfz2aj)
x Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (sgemf, pfghtj, sgemfa, sgemfh)
o Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (spf2t, spf2ta, spf2xj)
o Super Street Figher II - The New Challengers (ssf2, ssf2a, ssf2ar1, ssf2j, ssf2jr1, ssf2jr2, ssf2tb, ssf2tbj, ssf2tbr1, ssf2u) <- Tournament Battle not supported
o Super Street Fighter II Turbo (ssf2t, ssf2ta, ssf2tu, ssf2tur1, ssf2xj)
x Vampire Hunter 2 (vhunt2, vhunt2r1)
x Vampire Savior (vsav, vsava, vsavh, vsavj, vsavu)
x Vampire Savior 2 (vsav2)
x X-Men - Children of the Atom (xmcota, xmcotaa, xmcotah, xmcotaj, xmcotaj1, xmcotajr, xmcotau)
x X-Men vs Street Fighter (xmvsf, xmvsfa, xmvsfar1, xmvsfb, xmvsfh, xmvsfj, xmvsfjr1, xmvsfjr2, xmvsfr1, xmvsfu, xmvsfur1)


x 1945k III (1945kiii)
o XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1) (3in1semi)
o Puzzle King (4in1boot)
x Aero Fighters (aerofgt, aerofgtb, aerofgtc, sonicwi)
o The Berlin Wall (berlwall, berlwalt)
o Biomechanical Toy (biomtoy)
! Blaze On (blazeon) <- blank screen, but is playing
x Blood Warrior (bloodwar)
x Bomb Jack (bombjack, bombjac2)
o B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin (bonkadv)
o Cookie & Bibi 2 (cookbib2)
o Cookie & Bibi 3 (cookbib3)
!o Explosive Breaker (explbrkr, bakubrkr) <- upside-down screen
o Final Tetris (finalttr)
x Final Star Force (fstarfrc)
o Gals Panic (galpanic)
x Guardian (getstar*, getstarb, gtstarba)
x Ganbare Ginkun (ginkun)
o 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (gtmr, gtmra, gtmre, gtmrusa)
o Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (gtmr2, gtmr2a, gtmr2u) <- gtmr2u not working
o Honey Dolls (honeydol)
o Hyper Pacman (hyperpac, hyperpcb)
x Karate Blazers (karatblz)
o Magical Crystals (mgcrystl, mgcrystj, mgcrysto)
o More More (moremore)
o More More Plus (moremorp)
! Naname de Magic! (naname) <- stuck at warning screen & is a non-FBA v0.2.96.72 ROM set
x News (news, newsa)
o Oh My God! (ohmygod)
x Operation Wolf (opwolf*, opwolfb)
o Gouketsuji Ichizoku (powerins, powerina, powerinb)
x Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (prehisle, gensitou, prehislu)
x Rainbow Islands (rainbow, rainbowe, rainbowo)
x Rastan (rastan, rastanu, rastanu2, rastsag1, rastsaga)
! Riot (riot) <- blank screen, but is playing
x Shadow Force (shadfrce, shadfrcj)
x Slap Fight (slapfigh*, slapbtjp, slapbtuk, slapfgtr)
o Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (snowbros, snowbro3, snowbroa, snowbrob, snowbroc, snowbroj, wintbob)
x Solomon's Key (solomon, solomonj)
x Spinal Breakers (spinlbrk, spinlbrj, spinlbru)
x Superman (superman, suprmanj)
x Tiger Heli (tigerh*, tigerhb1, tigerhb2)
o Toppy & Rappy (toppyrap)
x Turbo Force (turbofrc)
o Twin Adventure (twinadv, twinadvk)
x Twin Hawk (twinhawk, daisenpu, twinhwku)
o Twinkle (twinkle)
x World Cup '90 (wc90, wc90a, wc90t)

NeoGeo MVS:

o 2020 Super Baseball (2020bb, 2020bba, 2020bbh)
o 3 Count Bout (3countb)
o Alpha Mission II (alpham2)
o Andro Dunos (androdun)
o Aggressors of Dark Kombat (aodk)
o Art of Fighting (aof)
o Art of Fighting 2 (aof2, aof2a)
x Art of Fighting 3 (aof3, aof3k)
o Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki (bakatono)
x Bang Bead (bangbead)
o Blue's Journey (bjourney)
x Blazing Star (blazstar)
x Breakers (breakers)
x Breakers Revenge (breakrev)
o Baseball Stars Professional (bstars)
o Baseball Stars 2 (bstars2)
o Burning Fight (burnigf, burningh)
o Crossed Swords (crsword)
x Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (cthd2003, ct2k3sa, ct2k3sp)
o Captain Tomaday (ctomaday)
o Cyber-Lip (cyberlip)
x Digger Man (diggerma)
o Double Dragon (doubledr)
o Eight Man (eightman)
o Fatal Fury - King of Fighters Special (fatfursp, fatfursa)
o Fatal Fury (fatfury1)
o Fatal Fury 2 (fatfury2)
x Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory (fatfury3)
o Football Frenzy (fbfrenzy)
o Fight Fever (fightfev, fightfva)
o Battle Flip Shot (flipshot)
o Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors (galaxyfg)
x Ganryu (ganryu)
x Garou - Mark of the Wolves (garou, garoubl, garouo, garoup)
o Ghostlop (ghostlop)
o Goal! Goal! Goal! (goalx3)
o Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer (gowcaizr)
o Ghost Pilots (gpilots)
x Gururin (gururin)
! The Irritating Maze (irrmaze) <- missing trackball controls
o Jyanshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster (janshin)
x Jockey Grand Prix (jockeygp)
o Puzzled (joyjoy)
x Kabuki Klash - Far East of Eden (kabukikl)
o Karnov's Revenge (karnovr)
x The King of Fighters '94 (kof94)
x The King of Fighters '95 (kof95, kof95a)
x The King of Fighters '96 (kof96, kof96h)
x The King of Fighters '97 (kof97, kof97a, kof97pls)
x The King of Fighters '98 (kof98, kof98k, kof98n)
x The King of Fighters '99 (kof99, kof99a, kof99e, kof99n, kof99p)
x The King of Fighters 2000 (kof2000, kof2000n)
x The King of Fighters 2001 (kof2001, kof2001h)
x The King of Fighters 2002 - Challenge of Ultimate Battle (kof2002)
x The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus (kf2k2mp, kf2k2mp2)
x The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (kf2k2pls, kf2k2pla)
x The King of Fighters 2003 (kof2003, kf2k3bl, kf2k3bla)
x The King of Fighters 2003 (JAMMA PCB) (kf2k3pcb)
x The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (kof2k4se)
x The King of Fighters 2004 Plus/Hero (kf2k3pl, kf2k3upl)
x The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (kof10th, kf10thep, kf2k5uni)
x Kizuna Encouter - Super Tag Battle (kizuna)
x King of Gladiator (kog)
o King of Monsters (kotm, kotmh)
o King of Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (kotm2)
x The Last Blade (lastblad, lastbldh, lastsold)
x The Last Blade 2 (lastbld2)
o League Bowling (lbowling)
o Legend of Success Joe (legendos)
o Last Resort (lresort)
o Magical Drop II (magdrop2)
o Magical Drop III (magdrop3)
o Magician Lord (maglord, maglordh)
o Mahjong Kyoretsuden - Real Mah-jong Game (mahretsu)
o Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz (marukodq)
x Shin Gouketsuzi Ichizoku - Toukon (matrim)
o Money Puzzle Exchanger (miexchng)
o Minnasanno Okagesamadesu (minasan)
o Syougi no Tatsujin (mosyougi)
x Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (mslug)
x Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (mslug2)
x Metal Slug 3 (mslug3, mslug3n)
x Metal Slug 4 (mslug4)
x Metal Slug 4 Plus (ms4plus)
x Metal Slug 5 (mslug5)
x Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) (ms5pcb)
x Metal Slug 5 Plus (ms5plus)
x Metal Slug 6 (mslug3b6)
x Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (mslugx)
o Mutation Nation (mutnat)
o NAM - 1975 (nam1975)
o Ninja Combat (ncombat, ncombata)
o Ninja Commando (ncommand)
o Neo Bomberman (neobombe)
x Neo-Geo Cup '98 (neocup98)
o Neo Drift Out - New Technology (neodrift)
o Neo Mr. Do! (neomrdo)
x Ninja Master's Haoh Ninpo Cho (ninjamas)
x Nightmare in the Dark (nitd)
x OverTop (overtop)
o Panic Bomber (panicbom)
o Puzzle Bobble (pbobblen, pbobblna)
o Puzzle Bobble 2 (pbobbl2n)
o Pleasure Goal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (pgoal)
x Pochi and Nyaa (pnyaa)
!o Pop 'n Bounce (popbounc) <- sound freezes
x Prehistoric Isle 2 (preisle2)
o Power Spikes II (pspikes2)
x Pulstar (pulstar)
o Puzzle De Pon (puzzledp)
o Puzzle De Pon R (puzzldrp)
o Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (quizdais)
o Quiz Meintantei Neo Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen Part 2 (quizdai2)
o Quiz King of Fighters (quizkof)
x Operation Ragnagard (ragnagrd)
x Real Bout Fatal Fury (rbff1)
x Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers (rbff2, rbff2h, rbff2k)
x Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (rbffspec)
o Riding Hero (ridhero, ridheroh)
o Robo Army (roboarmy, roboarma)
x Rage of the Dragons (rotd)
x Strikers 1945 Plus (s1945p)
o Samurai Showdown (samsho)
x Samurai Showdown II (samsho2)
x Samurai Showdown III (samsho3, fswords, samsho3a)
x Samurai Showdown IV - Amakusa's Revenge (samsho4)
x Samurai Showdown V (samsho5, samsho5b, samsho5h)
x Samurai Showdown V Special (samsh5sp, samsh5sh, samsh5sn)
x Savage Reign (savagere)
o Super Dodge Ball (sdodgeb)
o Sengoku (sengoku, sengokh)
o Sengoku 2 (sengoku2)
x Sengoku 3 (sengoku3)
x Shock Troopers (shocktra, shocktro)
x Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (shocktr2, lans2004)
o Soccer Brawl (socbrawl)
!o Aero Fighters 2 (sonicwi2) <- sound freezes
!o Aero Fighters 3 (sonicwi3) <- sound freezes
o Spin Master (spinmast)
o Super Sidekicks (ssideki)
o Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship (ssideki2)
o Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory (ssideki3)
x The Ultimate 11 - SNK Football Championship (ssideki4)
o Stakes Winner (stakwin)
o Stakes Winner 2 (stakwin2)
o Street Hoop (strhoop)
o The Super Spy (superspy)
x SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom (svc, svcboot)
x SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom (JAMMA PCB) (svcpcb, svcpcba)
x SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom Plus (svcplus, svcplusa, svcsplus)
o Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (tophuntr, tophunta)
o Top Player's Golf (tpgolf)
o Thrash Rally (trally)
o Neo Turf Masters (turfmast)
o Twinklestar Sprites (twinspri)
o Tecmo World Soccer '96 (tws96)
o Viewpoint (viewpoin)
o V-Liner (vliner, vlinero)
x Waku Waku 7 (wakuwak7)
o World Heroes (wh1, wh1h)
o World Heroes 2 (wh2)
o World Heroes 2 Jet (wh2j)
x World Heroes Perfect (whp)
o Windjammers - Flying Disc Game (wjammers)
o Zed Blade (zedblade)
o Zintrick (zintrckb)
x Zupapa! (zupapa)

Sega, PGM, Psikyo: (not yet supported)

o - Working
x - Not Working
! - With Issues
? - Not Properly Tested (due to missing/incorrect ROM sets)
` - Non-emulator-related Issues (i.e. Toaplan games that have missing sound)
* - Marked as Not Working in FB Alpha
Thanks for the list. We should probably add this as a sticky or put it on a wiki page for this emu.
It would be quite cool if someone made a front end for ALL the current arcade emus which ran the best emu for the game.

It could just look like the MAME front end but when playing say a CPS1 game it didn't use mame but this emu etc.

I imagine the package would include all the arcade emus in one neat set.
craigix said:
It would be quite cool if someone made a front end for ALL the current arcade emus which ran the best emu for the game.

It could just look like the MAME front end but when playing say a CPS1 game it didn't use mame but this emu etc.

I imagine the package would include all the arcade emus in one neat set.
That would be amazing!
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Here is the few neo geo mvs games which i tried:

1)Ninja commando-works full speed
2)Last resort-works full speed
3)Burning fight-Works full speed
4)aero fighters-not working
5)aero fighters 2-not working
6)aero fighers 3-not working
One other thing I really like about this emu is that it plays the NeoGeo games that have Rasters really really well. Galaxy Fight, Spin Masters, Zedblade, and others are full speed with rasters at 260. I figured I'd just point that out since GnGeo2x has issues with rasters.
geise69 said:
One other thing I really like about this emu is that it plays the NeoGeo games that have Rasters really really well. Galaxy Fight, Spin Masters, Zedblade, and others are full speed with rasters at 260. I figured I'd just point that out since GnGeo2x has issues with rasters.
Yupp, I had tested "Neo Turf Masters" on FBA2x and there are no Graphic glitches with Rasters. But like in GNGeo, enabled Raster Effects need Processor Power and the Emulator has to be overclocked. With GNGeo and without Raster effects on I can play Turf Masters at 200MHz Full Speed (and in Console-Mode without time limits!). ^^
It would be great if one of the Emu's could play these Games with Raster on and Standard Clockrate. :) But Overclocking is ok to (when using an Power adapter)
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fba2x isn't good as neo geo mvs emulator, fba 2x can't play all the neo games and neo emulator has better features here is the difference below:

1)Neo geo emulator goes back to rom list and fba2x can't do that.
2)neo geo emulator is making use dual core and fba2x isn't
3)neo geo emulator supports tv out and fba2x shows 2 screens on tv
4)Plays nearly all neo games and fba2x plays few

ok without raster effects the games are running good on fba2x, the neo emulator doesn't give any problems the fba2x will never be good as neo emulator with few more updates the neo emulator will surpass the fba2x by miles.
sukhigp said:
fba2x isn't good as neo geo mvs emulator, fba 2x can't play all the neo games and neo emulator has better features here is the difference below:

1)Neo geo emulator goes back to rom list and fba2x can't do that.
2)neo geo emulator is making use dual core and fba2x isn't
3)neo geo emulator supports tv out and fba2x shows 2 screens on tv
4)Plays nearly all neo games and fba2x plays few

ok without raster effects the games are running good on fba2x, the neo emulator doesn't give any problems the fba2x will never be good as neo emulator with few more updates the neo emulator will surpass the fba2x by miles.
English does not seem to be your first language, But there is no reason to be rude with this comment.

the fba2x will never be good as neo emulator with few more updates the neo emulator will surpass the fba2x by miles.

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I believe the FBA2x emulator is excellent. The CPS2 emulation seems to be *very* speedy, ie. DDTOM (Dungeons and Dragons Tower of Doom) runs at full 60FPS with 22050 sound at 220Mhz and with out the need to create graphic caches (as per cps2emu).
This is one of my all time favorite games (check out my avatar!) so I am very please that I have two emulators to choose from. If the other D&D game ends up running alright then I probably won't even need cps2emu anymore though that has high score saving which I quite like.

Which brings me to my question - does anyone know if FBA supports High Score saving like MAME?
slaanesh said:
I believe the FBA2x emulator is excellent. The CPS2 emulation seems to be *very* speedy, ie. DDTOM (Dungeons and Dragons Tower of Doom) runs at full 60FPS with 22050 sound at 220Mhz and with out the need to create graphic caches (as per cps2emu).
This is one of my all time favorite games (check out my avatar!) so I am very please that I have two emulators to choose from. If the other D&D game ends up running alright then I probably won't even need cps2emu anymore though that has high score saving which I quite like.

Which brings me to my question - does anyone know if FBA supports High Score saving like MAME?
How many games did you test? I didn't try any CPS2 on FBA as the sound on all other stuff like CPS1 is very stuttery/garbled/distorted. Is the sound for CPS2 on this as good/clear as the dedicated CPS2 one? Maybe the difference is that extra chip?
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DaveC said:
How many games did you test? I didn't try any CPS2 on FBA as the sound on all other stuff like CPS1 is very stuttery/garbled/distorted. Is the sound for CPS2 on this as good/clear as the dedicated CPS2 one? Maybe the difference is that extra chip?
Sound will be better in the next version. Headoverheels has rewritten the sound rendering code.
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DaveC said:
How many games did you test? I didn't try any CPS2 on FBA as the sound on all other stuff like CPS1 is very stuttery/garbled/distorted. Is the sound for CPS2 on this as good/clear as the dedicated CPS2 one? Maybe the difference is that extra chip?

CPS-2 sounds way better compared to CPS-1.

CPS-2 seems to run a little faster in FBA2X compared to CPS2emu, without needing cache files. When I tested the games, they seem to run a few frames faster overall. Although, the increase in speed might be attributed to inferior(?) sound or settings; I can't say for sure. :P

Also, FBA2X can play two games that CPS2emu currently cannot: Choko & Jyangokushi

Duddyroar said:
That's good news! Hopefully someone can give this a half decent frontend as well?

Does anyone know how you overclock this?

The Selector frontend that FBA2X uses can be used to overclock it.... I believe it's the Volume controls that does it, and there is a clock speed indicator on the lower-right.

(You could also use GMenu2X or the CPU speed tweak to overclock. :P)
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What is compatibility like with FBA when it comes to CPS2 games though? Do games like Marvel vs Capcom, X-Men vs Street Fighter and Street Fighter Zero 3 work ok?

CPS2Emu takes some beating in my book, with a bit of overclocking it runs the games nigh-on perfectly, with brilliant sound and a steady frame rate. The whole 'caching of ROMs' issue doesn't really bother me either, as I have plenty of 2GB SD cards lying around.
Umm.. did you not look at the Compatibility List I posted? :P

Those games don't work at the moment; most likely due to memory problems as they are the larger games.

As for now, CPS2emu still is the better emulator for CPS-2 games; same goes for GnGeo2x for the NeoGeo games.

Well FBA2X could surpass them both eventually if it keeps on improving, and also if it gets a frontend of the same calibur like that of Capex or Rage2x. :lol:

EDIT: FBA2X currently plays 19 out of the 40 CPS-2 games, with 2 of them being only playable in FBA2X. :)
I hope FBA does become as great as you suggest because it would be nice to have one emulator for CPS2, CPS1, NeoGeo, etc.

As you say the frontend issue is what keeps FBA from being as 'appealing' as other emulators, but I guess this can be sorted pretty easily. :)