My New Project: Final Burn Alpha

zodttd said:
Miika: We could always use our C64 SX-64's if we wanted portable Commodores! :P

As for Afterburner and Galaxy Force, I was wondering what happened to them as well. I'll look into the source some more and see if they are still supported. It would be strange for them to be gone, as it's how it started!

Thanks for the support. I also didnt realise hardware "fine scaling" was figured out on the GP2X. Is CPS2emu using fine or coarse scaling?
imhotep was mistaken.

The hardware scaling gives the standard ugly "blocky scaling". There is a mode called *sw* scaling horiz only which is a SoftWare scaling mode that eliminates 1 column of pixels (every 6 I think) to get the image to fit. It then averages the pixels only in that column so that it looks smooth without blurring out the entire image. I think it uses a similar tecnique that Pico Drive does to scale horiz only but to compress rather than stretch. Notaz says that scaling and averaging one horizontal direction only is possible in software without killing the CPU time alot. The averaging routeen was in ASM. Look in the Picodrive thread. CPS1 and CPS2 games are very close to full screen vertically with tiny bar at the top/bottom. This mode leaves the image size alone vertically and only compresses horizontal. It looks alot better than trying to stretch vertical too making the image blocky only to gain 1 mm or two.
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Does that mean its changing the aspect ratio?? Not sure I like that... Of course... it would be an option... so I wouldn't have to use it :)...
Definitely changing the aspect ratio, yes. Although there remains the question with regards to aspect ratio as to whether the pixels on the respective original displays were square (if not, then the aspect ratio has already been changed by rote of playing on a squre-pixel-based LCD).
DaveC: I believe that technique is very dependant on what the aspect ratio and which rows are removed for how the image will look. On psx4all for example, we have every horizontal/vertical resolution "predefined" for which pixels are removed.
Zeladin said:
Does that mean its changing the aspect ratio?? Not sure I like that... Of course... it would be an option... so I wouldn't have to use it :)...
Well CPS1/CPS2 were all 4:3 so changing the aspect would be a correction. The pixels were not square with those systems.

zodttd said:
DaveC: I believe that technique is very dependant on what the aspect ratio and which rows are removed for how the image will look. On psx4all for example, we have every horizontal/vertical resolution "predefined" for which pixels are removed.
Yes it is dependant on aspect. With CPS1 you just need to remove the correct amount of columns to fit the image on screen horizontally (leave vertical. it is close enough and isn't worth the distortion to add a couple of rows of pixels). This was done very well with ell's CPS2 emu. Play around with it, you will see the differences right there.

Since Final burn emulates alot of systems you may want to tailor and pre-define the scalers (and also have a 1:1 option) to each system.

I didn't realize that PSX needed any scaling, I thought it was 320x240 or very close.
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So that means the pixels on the original were something like this.


and Gp2x


If it is stubbier and wider than the Gp2x screen when displayed 1:1. So then in this particular case, this type of scaling will actually make it look better on the Gp2x, though lower res than the original.. Cool.

Dang weirdo formatting...
Final Burn with Powerdrift, Thunder Blade, Galaxy Force and OutRun support would be wonderful. But I am afraid that Powerdrift, Outrun or another decent arcade racer will never happen on GP2X.

EDIT: Oh I just saw on the Final Burn Alpha website, that Powerdrift is supported:

FB Alpha Release
Published by loop April 13th, 2007 in News. 4 Comments

Here we go, with a new release of Finalburn Alpha. Version includes the following changes and additions. Updated previews & title packs are also available for this release.

* Added driver for Galaxy Force 2 (gforce2, gforce2j)
* Added driver for G-LOC (gloc, glocr360)
* Added driver for Line of Fire (loffire, loffirej, loffireu)
* Added driver for Major League (mjleague)
* Added driver for Power Drift (pdrift, pdrifta, pdrifte, pdriftj)
* Added driver for Rail Chase (rchase)
* Added driver for Strike Fighter (strkgftr)
* Fixed sprite flip in Sonic Boom
* Added some unicode titles [BisonSAS]
* Matched sets to MAME 0.114u1
chaos engineer said:
Final Burn with Powerdrift, Thunder Blade, Galaxy Force and Golden Axe II support would be wonderful. But I am afraid that Powerdrift, Outrun or another decent arcade racer will never happen on GP2X.
Nice games.....I still have hope in Outrun (arcade version) running in my GP2X!!
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arquillos said:
Nice games.....I still have hope in Outrun (arcade version) running in my GP2X!!
Which version? C64 version works fine for me :) As does the megadrive one.
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Neither are arcade perfect.

Good luck on the new project Zodttd, if you need a beta tester with too much time on his hands to make a compatibity list or bug report, I'm pretty much free for the next month :)

Maybe I might even have time to do some coding, and release something that isnt meant to be crap :D
If Powerdrift and Outrun run at fullspeed we all can be eternally grateful.
One Word Zodttd !....

If I get DoDonPachi Close to playable on my gp2x. You'll get my eternal gratitude and a donation !!!

DoDonpachi as beeing one of my favorite shmup along with Ikaruga and others !

Thanks YOU Zod !
paxl13 said:
One Word Zodttd !....

If I get DoDonPachi Close to playable on my gp2x. You'll get my eternal gratitude and a donation !!!

DoDonpachi as beeing one of my favorite shmup along with Ikaruga and others !

Thanks YOU Zod !
For now I've been cheating and playing the psx version of Dodonpachi on my psp. It's a decent substitute till Zod releases a beta. Man just thinking of playing Guwange and Dangun Feveron on the GP2X is getting me excited. I was really hoping for something like this ever since I bought my GP2X. I will definitly be donating for this. Zodttd thank you again for taking time to do this.
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ourun arcade on gp2x omg .............
the shooting games are nice but x & y board sega ..that would be the bomb..
it would be only topped if someone would make a driver in mame for wrestlefest :) :)
I haven't got it working yet, but I'm slowly getting progress made.

Btw, I tried DoDonPachi for the PSX. On the PSP with 3.40 OE-A and POPSLOADER it didn't get past the "Please wait" loading game screen after selecting the ship. It gets stuck. Could it be a bad rip? If any help on this can be had, PM me.

Btw...This will suck for some but...I don't believe this FBA Plus port supports Sega X & Y...very strange since its where Final Burn got its start! I'll look into it. :(
Honestly I would be happy with just CPS1 running as good as the current CPS2 emu does now on GP2X. If that was all that became of this emu it would still rock, good luck :)
DaveC said:
Honestly I would be happy with just CPS1 running as good as the current CPS2 emu does now on GP2X. If that was all that became of this emu it would still rock, good luck :)
Totally agree with you :) B)
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Btw...This will suck for some but...I don't believe this FBA Plus port supports Sega X & Y...very strange since its where Final Burn got its start! I'll look into it. :(

You say x and y board are not supported. X board means Afterburner, Thunder Blade. Y board means G-Loc, Galaxy Force, PowerDrift, Rail Chase.

What's about the out run board, this is a different hardware and means Out Run, Hang-On and turbo out run. Would these games be supported by your Final Burn port for the gp2x? I am afraid that if the x and y board are not supported, this will be the same for the out run board.

A hint for arcade racer enthusiasts: Pole Position 2 on PSP via the psx game namco museum vol. 3. Really authentic and better than Pole Position 1 via Namco Museum for the GBA.
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