Europe And Local Elections


unit three is a source based one, one of the questions was on eu stuff, labours view on eu, why pulbic opinion is anti integration, what can be done to change this, write an anti-integration argument.

how'd yours go?
I did Units 1, 2 and 3 on Wednesday too. Edexcel I think.

I did Question 1 on Unit 3, about the Lords, and totally messed up. The other two papers were a gift though.

p.s. nice hijack B)
Not bad I don't think. I have the knowledge; it's just putting into onto paper that I stuggle with in an unbiased an objective way.

First paper was on electoral systems, which I think I did quite well on. Second was on parties and pressure groups, which I again think I did rather well on (although one question on the internal scruture of New Labour was a bit of a bitch) and the third paper had a choice; I chose to do the arguments aganist a codified consitution in the UK,something else I can't think of and a question on why people are aganist joing the EMU for political reasons.

All in all I think I did okay, although the third paper was much harder than the other two.
Thats one of the things i've found infinitely better about the A2 part of the course.

whereas before you just had to parrot information and provide limited evaluation and criticism, this year rour given far greater scope to provide judegments as long as they're backed up by sound judgement.
UK and the Netherland voted on Wednesday, the rest of Europe, arround 20 counties as far as I know, will follow on Sunday. I think I'll go for the Greens and Socialists. This time the German Green party had some really nice ads hanging arround, like "It's Yourope!". They go for the new generation and want to kick their asses to vote finally and see that stuff serious.

Some of their ads:


I'm impressed that it's that directly, cause they are a part of the German government, you know... right now the power is in the hand of the two German political parties SPD (the Social Democratic Party) and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen ("the Greens"). And they are brave enought to have banners like "No chance to cloning!" and show George W. Bush's face.