Release Emilia Pinball


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Emilia Pinball, an Open Source pinball.

It's an OpenGL port, using gl4es. It's a bit slow, but playable for most table, but unfortunatly, the "Hurd" table is still slow.

The keys are configured to: Flipper on Shoulder buttons,

The nudge is on Left / Space / {B}

and you can change views with F5-F8 (I like the F7 one).

History log

Build 04

  • Fix for wrong default config
Build 03

  • New build
  • Updated libs
Build 02

  • New build
  • Use GL_BATCH option of glshim
  • Added GNU Table
  • Added Professor2 Table (too slow to be playable)
  • Updated Hrd Table (still too slow to be playable)
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some key & screen customization
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Run it from MiniMenu and its little faster.

Pandora 1.2GHZ

Sysspeed 460 MHZ

And maybe try other SGX Drivers ;)

I am not @ Home,cannot test it yet ;)
Run it from MiniMenu and its little faster.

Pandora 1.2GHZ

Sysspeed 460 MHZ

And maybe try other SGX Drivers ;)

I am not @ Home,cannot test it yet ;)
I doubt that this will help as ptitSeb mentioned, that the bottleneck are the floating point operations. So at least the graphics driver should not make a big difference.
New build on the repo.
I added a few more tables and tried the GL_BATCH mode of glshim. It's faster, but the bottleneck is still on some floating points operations). So "hurd" is still unplayable, and the new "professor2" is not really playable too. But gnu plays nicely.

Build 02

  • New build
  • Use GL_BATCH option of glshim
  • Added GNU Table
  • Added Professor2 Table (too slow to be playable)
  • Updated Hrd Table (still too slow to be playable)
I didn't noticed the keyboard mapping changed (and it's not supposed to, I didn't touch this part), but I'l double check.
New build on the repo, I freshly recompiled, with GCC 6.2. Udpdated also all lib, this build is faster than the previous one. Even Hurd is now barely playable (at 8~10fps). Other table should play correctly on Gigahertz model (I did notice, on this build, that BATCH mode gives 2x more FPS!)

Build 03

  • New build
  • Updated libs
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Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : I gave this new version a try this morning. Unfortunately, many issues to report (from my Rebirth with SGX driver 4.10):

- The game is not fullscreen
- XFCE clock appears in-game
- Settings are not saved upon exit
- Default key mapping is weird
- Remapping keys is difficult because of strange symbols on screen
- Display all messed up when you go back to XFCE

I hope that helps :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Looks like default settings are not setup correctly (I already had a report for that on previous build, but I didn't reproduce it). I'll try to wipe my appdata to reproduce the issue.
@ptitSeb : this new version is now working correctly :)

Some tables are playable (~20 FPS) with OC @ 825 MHz on my Rebirth.

What's wrong with floating point operations ? Is it because the Pandora lacks a real FPU ?

Cheers, Magic Sam