regarding iprice's pokemon hopes, while it would be nice, id say Nintendo would easily outsell the current gen of consoles with a pokemon game similar to the skylanders idea....with ease. and seeing how they have the portal thing on the gamepad itself, i wouldnt be surprised if they made that someyear. and while MMOs are as overplayed as much if not more then military FPS', i think that would be a great idea for nintendo to do for their pokemon franchise on the WiiU, if their online multiplayer permits it. no expectations on that front.
Neither of these would be on my wish list though. im a simpleton. gimme a new 3d adult artstyle zelda game on the WiiU. done. a new kid icarus game on the WiiU would also be nice, without the abomination of the controls for the 3ds. a new fzero game, either platform, but with the new antigravity on mario kart, i dont see that franchise having another game. Miyamoto. give me something Miyamoto, something new, something original, something quirky, something fun.
On another note, and its already been announced, Tomb Raider was on my of fav games of '13, and I'm very happy its getting a sequel, but I guess thats coming in holidays '15. and last but certainly not least, add a 4th day to E3. a day for PC, id be satisfied with just steam going and making announcements.
But seriously, Zelda.