Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator


Welcome to the wonderful world of Android... I know why I love the Pandora community and need to work even harder to have a successor some day.

...and that some day is next year? -_-
*If* we are very lucky... but probably in a couple of years at the very earliest.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Two Years!

Edit: Um, is the DraStic apk still out there off the play store? I take it nothing can be done about that? The swines.
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Um, is the DraStic apk still out there off the play store? I take it nothing can be done about that? The swines.
Easy, things which is are pirated will become very popular. For the update which makes "included killer game here" playable, they people would have to wait or update via the google play store and pay then.

Edit: or do a christmas sale for 4.99$ (or maybe even 1.99$). When it is extremly cheap, pirate people will buy it, so they will just get the updates and wont have problems.
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Cracking software is relatively easy if you have the right tools and some experience. It can be done in minutes. Writing software is the hard part.
I thought Android has useful DRM stuff for preventing this? I don't use Android or iOS but my assumption was that you need to register and online activations for the Software, otherwise Google and Apple would not make any cent profit with their App Stores.For commercial use, I see no problem in binding DraStic and other apps with good anti-pirating mechanics, there should be enough methods out there.
For commercial use, I see no problem in binding DraStic and other apps with good anti-pirating mechanics, there should be enough methods out there.
DRM is evil and works most time only against the customers not the pirates.

Edit: read the android drm system. You can ignore it. They check if the answer is from android server (via RSA). Then they check if license is valid. In Java. I can easily decompile the application, change the RSA key or more easy just patch out the exit code, if the answer from the license server is "pirated copy". DRM doesnt work, if the code is at the customer. When the license server is offline, legit users can play, but pirates can. Worst case, don't do it.
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The question really isn't how many people will pirate it, it's "will there be enough legitimate sales to warrant further development?". Piracy doesn't come into the equation - people will either buy it, or they won't.

The question really isn't how many people will pirate it, it's "will there be enough legitimate sales to warrant further development?". Piracy doesn't come into the equation - people will either buy it, or they won't.
Ordinarily I'm in total agreement, if a person pirates it is generally not a lost sale the way producers want everyone to think. In this case, however, someone seemingly released the APK and pretended to be Exophase saying that he was officially letting it go for free. Someone who doesn't know Exophase at all might see this and take the download instead of the purchase they were just about to make. That is definitely a lost sale. Whether the number of such lost sales is in any way substantial is up for debate, and probably very small, but it's still a slap in the face.I haven't got problems with pirates the way major producers do (I have other problems with pirates) but this goes beyond simple piracy, this is active sabotage.
I think I will continue to develop it even if I get zero sales (well of course I already don't have zero sales, but you get the idea)

I feel like there are a lot of weird life lessons I'm still figuring out over all this.. but I think, even though the emulator feels like a tremendous amount of work and sometimes I hate doing it it's still something I want to do. And I've been so impressed and satisfied with how the Pandora community has been with it that I really want to keep providing it here.

That said, I'm hardly going to pretend I'm totally selfless in all this. I still want to keep total control over the software and keep it closed to maintain that control. That's pretty selfish, but I'm okay with that :P
How many people who pirated it will come asking for help when they get stuck, I feel angry that this has happened so soon.
This emulator is there any chance to have a tegra 2 implementation in one of the next releases?? I hope so......thanks in advance :-) 
Look, it's a badge of honour. That it was cracked this quickly shows that the community of people that do pirate things was desperate for this one - and that they know it's of a huge pedigree and of excellent high quality. Mudlord couldn't have paid Exophase a higher compliment than this.

It's a shame that the version that's out there has been infected with Malware (whether or not it was Mudlord that infected it is unknown, but it's likely he did in order to get back at Exophase) but them's the breaks, and you do indeed get what you pay for.

I think I will continue to develop it even if I get zero sales (well of course I already don't have zero sales, but you get the idea)

I feel like there are a lot of weird life lessons I'm still figuring out over all this.. but I think, even though the emulator feels like a tremendous amount of work and sometimes I hate doing it it's still something I want to do. And I've been so impressed and satisfied with how the Pandora community has been with it that I really want to keep providing it here.

That said, I'm hardly going to pretend I'm totally selfless in all this. I still want to keep total control over the software and keep it closed to maintain that control. That's pretty selfish, but I'm okay with that :P
You're a real GENTLEMEN!  
someone seemingly released the APK and pretended to be Exophase saying that he was officially letting it go for free. Someone who doesn't know Exophase at all might see this and take the download instead of the purchase they were just about to make. That is definitely a lost sale.
That lie is exactly the big problem in this whole story.

Programs get pirated all the time and people usually know about it and some of them pay later on, but here the possibility exists, that some people do not know at all, that they run a pirated program

and that is really ****ed up.
someone seemingly released the APK and pretended to be Exophase saying that he was officially letting it go for free. Someone who doesn't know Exophase at all might see this and take the download instead of the purchase they were just about to make. That is definitely a lost sale.
That lie is exactly the big problem in this whole story.

Programs get pirated all the time and people usually know about it and some of them pay later on, but here the possibility exists, that some people do not know at all, that they run a pirated program

and that is really ****ed up.

Yeah!  What  
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I will be showing support as well along with others by purchasing the Play Store release even if I never use it on anything other than Pandora. Thank you Exophase
Hey Exo, first of all, glad to see you got the Android version out, congrats on that; also great to see the piracy didn't knock you down too much, I hope you and Lordus get a small fortune from the income, several thousand downloaders times 8$ minus the amount for Google (suckers) should provide for some excellent bonus income, hope you spend it wisely.

Getting this thread back on topic, I've played with the new Pandora version and though it is absolutely brilliant, two things I'e noticed:

- Pokemon Black / White play fine, however, the hacked/edited ROMs "Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White" do not get far ingame. The game freezes after you push "NEW GAME", it shows the sprite of the Pokemon lady coming up, but it apparently can not load the edited text. I've cross-checked with DesMuMe on my Windows x86, and that works just fine there. I've also disabled cheats, didnt change a bit, that was my first suspect, but no luck here. Do you know what could be wrong? I would really love to play this game, as it's a much better experience than the original Pokemon games (you can catch all the Pokemon in one game etc.).

- From the readme: "Q: What about an option to take up the entire screen?

A: There's code for this but I haven't enabled it because with two screens on

   it's extremely distorting, and with one screen on it doesn't make a big

   difference. I may reconsider if there's strong demand."

Well, here's one more demand ;) Personally I'm no big fan of black borders and I believe for some games it could be fun to have the full screen available. If the code is already done, why not include it, even if its not many people liking it too much? This is not the Play Store, people won't cry about how distorted it looks, since the Pandora community seems mature enough to know they can set it up as they want and they are free to use whatever screen layout they want to use ;) Please make this available in the next version for the few who'd like this - I dont see any downsides to this - Dont like it? Dont enable it :) but let those who like it be happier folks :P


- While on black borders, there sure is room for some gimmicks to fill in the black space. A clock and the battery status have come up, excellent ideas in my opinion (of course, all should be optionally configurable in the menu). More idea: current ROM playing time, overall ROM playing time, colors, settable .jpg's (think Super Gameboy), .....


- Far more gimmicky and hardly likely :P one crazier idea: in-emulator text reader for .txt files with Walkthroughs: For example, pressing T would bring up a window (like a third DS window that could be moved around in the same way) with the text files, R and Y (next keys, or whatever) would swap pages. It would greatly enhance playing with Walkthroughs, as of by now, you have to quit the emu to look stuff up. But I can undertstand if you dont want to code something like this.
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I tested more this new version, the improvements are amazing !

That's a piece of software !
I just purchased the android version and noticed a strange issue with Zelda Spirit Tracks that isn't present in the pandora port. In the intro video thing (the fancy 3d scene with zelda's ghost flying around before you get to file select), the screens are reversed EXCEPT for the touch to start overlay. The bottom half of the train is on the top screen and vice versa. Edit: This is a 3d multithreading issue. Disabling that fixed it.
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