Dink Smallwood

Pleng said:
aha. The apparent problem with Novashell is that it relies on Clanlib, which uses OpenGL.

Seth appeared moderately keen to see Novashell on Pandora. Not so sure he was up for porting Clanlib to OpenGLES though! :)

I found this thread on the clanlib forums, I didn't read very careful, but it seems as if they have a GL1 target that uses only requires OpenGL 1.3, and that it could be used for OpenGL ES 1.1.
Quotes from the developer rombust:

Can you post the patch onto the forum (zip it)
I have created a clanGLES1 target for support for clanGL < 2.0 that should support OpenGL ES 1.1 (and OpenGL 1.x)
It would be helpful to incorporate your patch.

The ClanGL1 target is now being developed.
(Not - clanGLES1 as clanGL1 should still be able to be used for OpenGL ES1.1)

and here's another thread about the GL1 target: Introducing ClanLib 2.0 GL1 target.
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