Any Way To Change Resolution?

Ok, seems I read you wrong. Apologies for thinking your next question would be about a WoW client. :D

When it comes down to it, it's a mobile device with finite capabilities. Some stuff will compile and run, some stuff will require extensive hacking. IIRC Pickle mentioned in his last DOSBox video (showing his port of the DOSBox front end DboxFE) that work was required on some of the GUI elements to fit the Pandora resolution. Just the nature of the beast. :)


But seriosly I just have much linux stuff i want to port after I got my Pandy, so just trying to investigate possible tweaks and hacks)
The resolution hack will be nice ^_^
hch said:
i am mainly thinking of standard apps with dialog boxes exceeding 480 in height. they were a pain on the original eeepc and resolution hacks fixed the problem then.

No problem with X11. Just press the ALT-key and move the window with the mouse.
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Creature XL said:
hch said:
i am mainly thinking of standard apps with dialog boxes exceeding 480 in height. they were a pain on the original eeepc and resolution hacks fixed the problem then.

No problem with X11. Just press the ALT-key and move the window with the mouse.

yeah, and then it snaps to this and that, recenters on release, can't be moved off screen. worst thing that i remember (with fullscreen civ gtk2 cient) was that it kind of tried to autoscroll, interfering with the fullsceen mode in such a way, that on mouseclick it would move and it was impossible to hit any button.

i'm not such an expert in x11 and wndow managers, but it can be a pain. and one more option would be nice to have.
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yeah, and then it snaps to this and that, recenters on release, can't be moved off screen. worst thing that i remember (with fullscreen civ gtk2 cient) was that it kind of tried to autoscroll, interfering with the fullsceen mode in such a way, that on mouseclick it would move and it was impossible to hit any button.

i'm not such an expert in x11 and wndow managers, but it can be a pain. and one more option would be nice to have.

Same problems was on the original Ubuntu when stupid wine changed my resolution...
I think this MUST be fixet, or else it will make mouuuuch problems, and make some users cry ;(
x11vnc allows scaling your desktop. You lose 3D acceleration though.

You can pretend that you are browsing on 1000x600 or 1120x672 (instead of default 480x800) and every application will really think that you are on that resolution. x11vnc will scale down everything to 480x800 for you, and your fonts will be blurry and so on.
yep, agree with some of the above comments about scaling resolutions - I can run my original eeePC (which has a native resolution of 800x480 - same as the Pandora) with a driver hack at 800x600, 900x600 & 1024x???. Any text obviously looks worse the further you get away from the native resolution - but it does allow you to run some games that won't run at 800x480 :-)
Like cosurgi said, the main problem is that that rescaling/mapping stuff all happens in software.
It's like using one of those old generic software VESA drivers for windows back in the day's who gave you 800x600 (or even more)
ok, you have the screen size, but it ain't going to be fast and use quite some cpu.
NeoTheFox said:
worst thing that i remember (with fullscreen civ gtk2 cient) was that it kind of tried to autoscroll, interfering with the fullsceen mode in such a way, that on mouseclick it would move and it was impossible to hit any button.

i'm not such an expert in x11 and wndow managers, but it can be a pain. and one more option would be nice to have.
Same problems was on the original Ubuntu when stupid wine changed my resolution...
Same here. Arch Linux, WINE, Half-Life 2. I have to play it windowed, because the fullscreen mode results in some weird panning bullshit and none of the buttons line up.
Of course, in windowed mode, any FPS drop is a risk of the mouse flying out of the window and losing focus, resulting in a complete loss of game control for several seconds. (Like if you whip around to spy-check in TF2, you might lose control)

Bugs the shit out of me.
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hch said:
Creature XL said:
hch said:
i am mainly thinking of standard apps with dialog boxes exceeding 480 in height. they were a pain on the original eeepc and resolution hacks fixed the problem then.

No problem with X11. Just press the ALT-key and move the window with the mouse.

yeah, and then it snaps to this and that, recenters on release, can't be moved off screen. worst thing that i remember (with fullscreen civ gtk2 cient) was that it kind of tried to autoscroll, interfering with the fullsceen mode in such a way, that on mouseclick it would move and it was impossible to hit any button.

i'm not such an expert in x11 and wndow managers, but it can be a pain. and one more option would be nice to have.

Must be window manager specific. On KDE I have always been able to alt-drag windows wherever I want and they will stay there (of course that doesn't mean Completely off-screen but even if it did the system menu Move command would probably let me fix it by keyboard), this also allows resizing them larger than the screen even if they didn't start that way.

Anyone here checked XFCE specifically? and if it is restrictive, than probably fixing it is just a matter of Removing some code.
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Polossatik said:
Like cosurgi said, the main problem is that that rescaling/mapping stuff all happens in software.
It's like using one of those old generic software VESA drivers for windows back in the day's who gave you 800x600 (or even more)
ok, you have the screen size, but it ain't going to be fast and use quite some cpu.
Looks like the hardware is capable of rescaling. So it should be possible even with 3D acceleration if we can get the drivers to work together. The devs need some more work, right? :D said:
Display Interface Subsystem Overview (page 2120)
  • Display controller
    • Signal processing
      • Programmable video resizer independent horizontal and vertical resampling:
        Upsampling (up to x8) and downsampling (down to 1/4),
        maximum input width of 1024 pixels in 5-tap mode, and 2048 pixels in 3-tap configurations;
        no limitation on the input height
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davidgro said:
Anyone here checked XFCE specifically? and if it is restrictive, than probably fixing it is just a matter of Removing some code.
Just tested. Only snappy element is the panel. Would guess about 40px treshold.
Shouldn't be a problem in most cases.

PS: A while back I've started using a lot of programs in a 800x458 window (22pixels for panel) and found it a pretty usable resolution.
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scottm said:
yep, agree with some of the above comments about scaling resolutions - I can run my original eeePC (which has a native resolution of 800x480 - same as the Pandora) with a driver hack at 800x600, 900x600 & 1024x???. Any text obviously looks worse the further you get away from the native resolution - but it does allow you to run some games that won't run at 800x480 :-)

The difference is that the EEEpc has an atom , so its an x86, so apps and games dont have to be ported at all, but with the Pandora games have to be ported, so the ones that will port the game (wont matter if its the original developer of the game and he owns the source, or if the app/game is opensource) will schange the code abit to make it fit on 800x480 and else they will add some downscaler to 800x480 themselves. You dont have to hack your pandora because the resolutions dont fit (or it has to be a JAVA program)
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I'd recommend reading xrandr's man-page. Then you'd know there already are options for setting panning and scaling, since xrandr 1.3.
It even contains some examples:
Enables panning on a 1600x768 desktop while displaying 1024x768 mode on an output called VGA:
  xrandr --fb 1600x768 --output VGA --mode 1024x768 --panning 1600x0

Have one small 1280x800 LVDS screen showing a small version of a huge 3200x2000 desktop, and have a big VGA screen display  the  surrounding of the mouse at normal size.
  xrandr --fb 3200x2000 --output LVDS --scale 2.5x2.5 --output VGA --pos 0x0 --panning 3200x2000+0+0/3200x2000+0+0/64/64/64/64

So, as long as those drivers support xrandr 1.3, we have scaling and panning.
With older drivers, specifying a bigger virtual screen-size than your physical size in xorg.conf would give you panning.

So, enjoy making all texts unreadable :P